A worship practice Zoom can’t replicate, Silence, in the Christian tradition, is a shared discipline as much as an individual one


We must understand what the word beleive implies, It means “commit” and surrender.” From Billy Graham.

Surrender to God and listen……..be silent……..why do you need so much noise, so loud the windows shake?

Dr. Jim Denison wrote, Pastor Chris Palmer cites David’s testimony: “For God alone my soul waits in silence; from him comes my salvation” (Psalm 62:1). Because David made this time for silence with his Lord, he could then write the next verse: “He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken” (v. 2).

If we listen to God, he will speak. If we hear the voice of the omnipotent God of the universe, we cannot be the same. We will be empowered to give what we receive. And “the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it” (John 1:5 NLT).

When last did meeting with God change your life?

This morning I found that Dr. Jim Denison made reference to this post in his news report. I really pray that you will take time to read it and share it with your Pastor and friends. This is such an excellent message by Chris Palmer, who is associate pastor at First Presby­terian Church in Waco, Texas. Pastor Palmer addresses one of the problems many Churches and individuals have! NOT ENOUGH SILENCE! You have to have time with God in silence. When I served at FBC in Reserve we had many moments of silence. Many times folks would not move from their seats after we had concluded the service. I beleive that is because they were just soaking in what God had just on their hearts. You know as a Pastor when that happens people came to Church wanting to hear from God! We used to say ‘silence is golden’ or ‘silence speaks’ Our society and many Churches have become to noisy! Not enough people are hearing God. I get up anywhere between 2am and 3am to post the news here at FGGAM. I do it in silence, except for Daisy snoring in the background! (But that brings me peace!) I listen to God what to post and what not to post. I am a Holy Spirit driven Pastor and news reporter. Do not let Facebook replace your alone time with God. I love silence! I can be noisy with the best of them, To get folks attention, but some of my best preaching is when I keep my mouth shut!

A worship practice Zoom can’t replicate

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