The Power Of One… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day.


The Power Of One…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. I was in a service recently that was incredible. I have not been able to stop thinking about this meeting. During worship the Pastor heard the voice of God speak. After the worship time was over, he presented to this group what he felt he heard in his spirit. He said if that was for someone in the room to please let him know. One young man raised his hand and from there things began to flow. I wish I could remember the words that he heard,  something about being in chains, but I don’t quite remember. However the words from God that day in that meeting turned the tide of several lives. It was for the youth, and every one of them responded one by one. It all started with the courage of one young man.

Today, let’s ask God to help us be the courageous one. Let’s pray he will help us be the one. The one that hears his voice, the one that responds, the one he uses, the one carrying his glory and filled with his power. Amen? Amen.

Let’s Pray:

Father, thank you that you still speak to your people. Your Word tells us your sheep know and hear your voice. You are the Good Shepherd and we are your sheep. Your Word tells us My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. (John 10:27)

Father, we pray today that we would hear, we would respond and lives be changed because we were obedient. Oh, God let us be the one, the courageous one. May many respond today and their chains broken because of your great love. Amen.

Have a blessed day God’s beautiful people. You are powerful, be the one to hear his voice.

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