Horrific Fraud in New Mexico Under the Watch of Governor Lujan Grisham!


I am so very discouraged by the silence from many on this horrific fraud that has taken place in New Mexico government! Even thou corruption is common in New Mexico, I am still appalled at this gigantic steal of taxpayers money!!!!! Who was watching the hen house? The foxes? NM Department of Workforce Solutions is in horrible shape and the taxpayers are footing the bill. SHAME! Governor Lujan Grisham has let us all down very badly! The Governor has left us with many financial messes in her time in office for sure. Workforce Solutions!???!!! UGH! Wrong name! It seems that New Mexico government is so very weak at holding elected officials accountable. Someone needs to go to jail here. Are we so numb to corruption in our society? Just like the Jan 6th. Insurrection of our Nations Capitol, there are those in high places or were in high places, that should go to jail!!!! TREASON! Where is the accountability???? I do not know if the American people will ever know the truth behind this Satanic attack on our Nations Capitol! It stinks like hell thou!!! Is this what we want to be teaching our children, you can get away with raising hell? Just like here in New Mexico, corruption is government is common, so very sad. I was warned about this when I moved here in 1995.

“To fail to exhibit that we take truth seriously at those points where there is a cost in our doing so, is to push the next generation in the relative, dialectical millstream that surrounds us. ”
― Francis Schaeffer

“To be really Bible-believing Christians we need to practice, simultaneously, at each step of the way, two biblical principles.

One principle is that of the purity of the visible church. Scripture commands that we must do more than just talk about the purity of the visible church; we must actually practice it, even when it is costly.

The second principle is that of an observable love among all true Christians. In the flesh we can stress purity without love, or we can stess love without purity; we cannot stress both simultaneously. To do so we must look moment by moment to the work of Christ and to the Holy Spirit. Without that, a stress on purity becomes hard, proud, and legalistic; likewise without it a stress on love becomes sheer compromise.

Spiritually begins to have real meaning in our lives as we begin to exhibit simultaneously the holiness of God and the love of God. We never do this perfectly, but we must look to the living Christ to help us do it truly.”
― Francis A. Schaeffer, The Great Evangelical Disaster

Very few politicians behave themselves. I know a few that do and I am grateful for that, but our politicians reflect our godless society more than ever here in 2021. This is the America you and I allowed to be created.

Read this KOB TV REPORT and you will get a good picture of how bad this situation is in New Mexico. The quote from the business owner about blew me away.

We got this news release last night:

 House Republican Leader Jim Townsend sent a letter to the NM Department of Workforce Solutions (NMDWS), the NM Attorney General and Governor’s office regarding concerning fraud claims and questions arising from constituents across the state. GOP Leader Townsend asked for an immediate investigation into fraud within NMDWS.

The Department of Workforce Solutions has been riddled with problems throughout 2020, and COVID notwithstanding, it is very troublesome that halfway through 2021 Lujan Grisham has barely begun to even acknowledge how big the problem is. I am thankful that the serious claims of fraud within Workforce Solutions are being addressed however, the Governor and her administration have a lot of work ahead in restoring trust and ensuring that New Mexicans tax dollars are being properly used,” said House Republican Leader Jim Townsend. “I don’t think there is a day that goes by that myself or other lawmakers do not hear from a community member that has received prepaid debit cards from Workforce Solutions when they never applied for unemployment. This is a worrisome issue and could affect people for years to come if they are not careful in catching the fraud soon enough. I certainly hope that a full and transparent accounting of the missteps and a plan of action to remedy the problems occurs immediately.”


Sometimes I just get dumbfounded at this world we live in……that seems to be happening more and more! I am very concerned about the drought. I always say that America has been and still is in a Spiritual Drought. I could do a series of sermons on that! The Jan. 6th insurrection of our Nations Capitol was a sure sign of Spiritual Warfare in America. Spiritual warfare is real. But don’t worry, God is with you. I am so dumbfounded on why more Americans are not concerned what really happened on Jan. 6th. Many are blinded by Satan, this was one of the darkest days in American history! Satan had his way and is having his way with many, including so called political leaders. OH! Satan is having a heyday in America, a Spiritual Drought, for sure: WHY DO SPIRITUAL DROUGHTS HAPPEN? Here in New Mexico we are in a very serious situation as is the entire western half of America, NO RAIN! Where is the Church? I pray, that all Churches open their doors for prayer. What about everyday the Church pray at noon for rain? We must repent of our great sins against God. Being a watchman on the wall, I call all to pray for rain as the drought worsens!

New Mexico! No Water, No Food

Opinion: The Southwest’s water problems are about to get much worse

The drought is getting very bad here in New Mexico. Temps will be near or at 100 in the next several days in New Mexico with no rain in sight and fire danger high.


The reservoir formed by the Hoover Dam has reached a record low level, a sign of the negative impact extreme droughts are having on the region.

The falling levels are a huge worry for farmers and people living in Western states who depend on Lake Mead as part of their water supply.

Reuters reported that the surface of Lake Mead, the reservoir shaped by the Hoover Dam, had dropped to 1,071.56 feet above sea level as of 11 p.m. local time on Wednesday, falling below the lowest level that had been previously set on July 1, 2016.

The reservoir’s water level has dropped 140 feet since 2000, according to Reuters.

Hoover Dam at Record Low

California Drought Leads to Mandatory Water Restrictions for Millions

U.S. Drought Monitor

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