Do You Have Something To Say? Angel’s Prayer Of The Day…


Do You Have Something To Say?

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. I like to show up every morning for my time alone with God. I want to reassure myself that he is with me. Whatever comes my way, I have the assurance of knowing he is in control. I don’t want to start my day without him. Every morning as I meet with him at my dining room table, I begin to put my thoughts towards him and begin to worship him. I love to read his Word and come into agreement with it. I come into agreement every morning with Psalm 107 v 20. Check it out and see if you can believe.

I believe in miracles and I know people that have received them. I get so excited when God intervenes and does what only a supernatural God can do. When God shows up and gives you a miracle, you have something to say.

How about you? Do you need a miracle? Ask God for a scripture to stand on. Read it and meditate on it. Keep your thoughts going back to that scripture. I have even written them on an index card and carried his promise in my pocket to help keep me focused. I speak it out loud and begin the process of believing God for what my prayer request is. Then I thank him in advance. Ready to believe? Ready for a divine appointment with God? Then you too will have something to say.

Let’s Pray:

Father, thank you for your Word. We join faith today across this globe for more miracles. It’s signs,wonder and miracle time. We don’t want to just know about you, we want to experience you in our everyday living.You are a real God journeying life with real people.

Today, we join faith and lift up Anne and everyone across this globe that needs a miracle.  Father, you are Christ the healer. From inner healing to every type of physical healing, everything is possible with you.

Father, thank you for the testimonies already coming in.

Father, we once again declare Psalm 107 v 20 over the people of the world today. We come into agreement with your Word for your people and believe. Amen.

Have a blessed day God’s most beautiful people. Have your divine appointment with God every morning and stay in expectation.

Tune in WFST 600 every Saturday at 12:05 PM right after the world news and hear real miracle stories. (streaming audio)

Email me your miracle story and together we will build a hedge of faith around the nations of the world. (


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