My Fathers Eyes… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


My Fathers Eyes…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. This morning as I was putting together my thoughts of what I believed my day would look like, I began to pray and ask the Holy Spirit what I should pen on this beautiful, but chilly morning.

Recently, I met someone that their life is quite challenged every day. Their many needs, illnesses etc. has moved my heart in a deeper compassion than I have ever known. I always thought I was a very compassionate person, but I am going deeper. It’s not just enough to tell the world about Jesus, we must demonstrate with love and action. Let’s not just share the good news, let’s be the good news. Let’s ask him today for his eyes of grace. Let’s ask him to show us at least one person we could be a blessing to every day. Are you ready for the challenge?

Father, thank you for this beautiful morning. Thank you for communicating with us in so many ways. Sometimes you tell us to take another route, sometimes to share a hug, sometimes to take someone food, but you are always speaking to us. Show us someone that we can be your hands and feet extended to today.

Father, may we hear you well today. May we see your hand and be obedient to whatever you may ask of us. As we journey the day with you, may we be blessed with the opportunities to share your love, your Word and whatever you may of ask of us.

Father, never let us get too busy nor let complacency set in, that we miss the opportunities you present us each and every day. Father, yes, please interrupt our day and give us eyes like yours we pray. Thank you for the blessing to work in your Kingdom. Amen.

Have a blessed day God’s beautiful people. Thank him for his eyes of grace and how he wants you to be a blessing to someone today.

And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him. (Colossians 3:17)

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