CRY OUT TO GOD AMERICA! Why We Must Ask for God’s Forgiveness 400 Years After the Pilgrims Landed at Plymouth Rock


Why We Must Ask for God’s Forgiveness 400 Years After the Pilgrims Landed at Plymouth Rock

On Oct. 6, 2020, If You Believe in God, Join Us to Cry Out to Him on Behalf of Our Nation

NEW YORK—Imagine a prayer meeting this October with one clear goal: to repent and ask God for forgiveness. For what we’ve done with our freedom in America. For the sins we’ve committed. For the way we’ve treated others. For how our nation has turned against the Lord and squandered the countless blessings He has bestowed on us.

One prayer meeting. One goal. One day only. No strings attached.

Pastor Carter Conlon, general overseer of Times Square Churchis heading to Plymouth, Massachusetts, to ask God for forgiveness on October 6, 2020, 400 years after the historic arrival of the first Pilgrims on our soil, a place where they sought to worship God freely and according to conscience. And it’s why, this fall, Pastor Conlon is asking everyone who believes in God, no matter where they are, to join in online as the Times Square Church Worldwide Prayer Meeting is livestreamed from Plymouth on Tuesday, October 6, from 7 p.m.-9 p.m. Eastern.

There is no fee. No registration needed. There is no mailing list; no products are being sold. “We are going to believe God for a mercy moment for our nation,” says Pastor Conlon. “Mercy moments are initiated by God. We see these moments throughout the Bible and throughout history. Moments where God has already decided to move and to show mercy, but He is looking for people who will agree with him.”

It is a cry to God for the future of our nation at a pivotal time in our history.

“God called this prayer meeting,” stresses Pastor Conlon. “It’s a God-initiated moment. The future of America depends on our prayers.”

Adds Pastor Conlon, “I felt the Lord speak to me about this prayer meeting. He asked me to go back to the very spot where our nation began 400 years ago, and He wants me to ask for forgiveness for what we have done with the freedom He gave us. That is the crux of this. I am hoping that many others join with me in this moment.”

The Worldwide Prayer Meeting, which occurs weekly, draws prayer requests from thousands of people in over 200 self-reported countries and dependencies throughout the world. It does so via website submission form and text message. The weekly live prayer meeting is livestreamed every Tuesday at 7 p.m. Eastern at, and on the Times Square Church Facebook page and YouTube channel.

For more information, visit

To interview Pastor Carter Conlon, please contact Jeff Tolson at Hamilton Strategies, 610.584.1096, ext. 108, or Deborah Hamilton at Hamilton Strategies, ext. 102, or


Times Square Church is an inter-denominational, multinational congregation, located in the heart of New York City, at 51st Street, between Broadway and Eighth Avenue, founded by Rev. David Wilkerson, author of the best-selling book “The Cross and the Switchblade.” Over 10,000 people, representing more than 100 different nationalities, gather to pray together each week, finding true unity through Jesus Christ. Every Tuesday, Times Square Church livestreams its Worldwide Prayer Meeting, which draws prayer requests from thousands of people in over 200 self-reported countries and dependencies throughout the world, via website submission form and text message. The weekly live prayer meeting takes place each Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. ET at, and on the Times Square Church Facebook page and YouTube channel.

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