Homicides Mount in Albuquerque, APD Investigates 3rd Homicide in Less Than 24 Hours, Alcohol Remains a Serious Problem


Oh Albuquerque! God has blessed you as one of the most beautiful cities in the world but you are sinning so badly against God, you kill his children in so many ways, shootings, stabbings, Child abuse, drugs, suicides, and ABORTION!!!

You can get an abortion in New Mexico, buy booze, but the Church can only have 25% of capacity. That is all messed up, we are overcome by evil in this state. The state is ruling over the Church. Satan is having a big party here.

Satan continues to have his way with many in Albuquerque, we the Body of Christ must carry out the Great Commission. For the 3rd time in less than a week we have had the Police in our neighborhood, which has been quite over the years. One man was killed this week down the road from us. I told the officers yesterday that we pray for them everyday and the”DEFUND POLICE PEOPLE” are nuts! We also got more bad news here in New Mexico yesterday, we are number one in another very bad category: New Mexico’s alcohol-related death rate remains the highest in the U.S. A Lobo Coach was arrested for drunk driving. UNM men’s basketball assistant coach arrested for DWI Another awful example for our children. We certainly are a mess as people.

We all need to be Eagle’s for God. See post below.

16-year-old wanted for Los Altos Skate Park murder

APD investigates 3rd homicide in less than 24 hours 

Eagle-Menby Joni Eareckson Tada
“Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”Isaiah 40:31
Eagles are solitary birds. They never fly in flocks. At times God asks us to forego human companionship to experience divine fellowship, so later we have the strength to give to others. “God seeks eagle-men,” writes Mrs. Charles Cowman in Streams in the Desert. “No man ever comes into a realization of the best things of God, who does not, upon the Godward side of his life, learn to walk alone with God.”Scripture is replete with such men: Abraham living in a tent, Moses herding sheep, Paul alone with God in Arabia. God then often takes those whom he has sheltered in solitude and thrusts them out to minister to others.

Author Caryll Houselander writes of these eagle-souls, “There are those who must live, as it were, in other men’s hands; whose success, even if it be of a spiritual order, must be paid for in a suffering of poverty far more terrible than material poverty, a poverty of not having themselves, not having anything of their own—not time, or solitude, or their thoughts, or even their senses: their hearing filled always with other men’s troubles, their eyes with the face of other people’s sorrows.”

Many times you may feel there is no rest: hurting people call you on the phone or appear at your door; your children clamor for attention and love; your spouse wants to spend time with you when you have no time; your boss adds to the piles already on your desk. Only someone who has spent solitude with God can respond as an eagle, mounting up with a reserve of energy provided by the Almighty. Quiet time with him isn’t an option; it’s a necessity.

Father God, teach me to come to you for strength when I feel as though I have none. In this way I’ll have strength to dispense love and care to others.

August 14, 2020
New Mexico’s alcohol-related death rate remains highest in the U.S.
Independent Task Force recommends evidence-based strategies in response to CDC annual report
SANTA FE – The New Mexico Department of Health on Friday announced that New Mexico continues to have the highest rate of alcohol-related death in the U.S., according to a recently published report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The CDC report used data from 2011 through 2015, and the Alcohol-Related Disease Impact (ARDI) application. ARDI is a measure of total deaths associated with alcohol use, including those for which other causes of death were involved. Rates were calculated based on the updated ARDI, which uses alcohol attributable fractions for 58 conditions.
New Mexico’s alcohol-related death rate of 52.3 per 100,000 population was almost twice the US rate for the years 2011 through 2015. The average US alcohol-related death rate per 100,000 population was 27.4 for the same period.
In addition to alcohol-related death data, the CDC estimated years of potential life lost (YPLL), and years of life lost per alcohol-related death for the US and each state. Years of potential life lost is an estimate of the average years someone would have continued to live if they had not died prematurely.
During 2011-2015 New Mexico also had the highest estimated alcohol-related YPLL. New Mexico’s YPLL was 1,651.7 per 100,000 population, which was almost twice the US rate of 847.7 per 100,000 population.
 “Not only are we fighting to reverse life-threatening alcohol use, we are also fighting a stress-inducing pandemic that is contributing to increased alcohol consumption. We must use every tool available to reduce alcohol-related death and years of potential life lost due to excessive alcohol use,” said New Mexico Department of Health Secretary Kathy Kunkel.
“Our efforts to reduce alcohol misuse include supporting policy development at both the county and state levels. We are grateful for every community partnership that supports our agency’s mission to improve health outcomes and assure safety net services for all people in New Mexico,” said Kunkel.
The Community Preventive Services Task Force (CPSTF) recommends evidence-based strategies for the prevention of excessive alcohol use. Recommended strategies include electronic screening and brief intervention (e-SBI), alcohol outlet liability, limiting days of sales, limiting hours of sales and regulation of alcohol outlet density.
Today, e-SBI is an effective screening and intervention tool available in many primary care clinics in New Mexico. Regarding the CPSTF recommendations above, the Department of Health continues to bring policy proposals to lawmakers to help reverse the impact of alcohol-related disease and death, and YPLL due to alcohol. The Department of Health encourages families and individuals with chronic alcohol use to speak with their primary care provider about improving personal health.
For recommended effective strategies to prevent excessive alcohol use, see The Community Guide of the Community Preventive Services Task Force for a related report, What works: Preventing excessive alcohol consumption; Evidence-based interventions for your community.

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