Graduating From Quarantine


The school closings and uncertainty of graduation ceremonies have caused a lot of stress for high school seniors across the country.  They have worked so hard to walk across a stage and get that diploma…and that’s a big deal.  For many of these kids the learning came easy, but for those with learning disabilities and other problems to face, the road has been long and bumpy to say the least.

In the midst of all the illness, death and uncertainty caused by the pandemic, a high school graduation may not seem important to some, but to these kids it is everything.  Being quarantined away from their friends for weeks is bad enough, but missing out on all the senior activities: prom, senior trips, parties, etc. can be devastating.  What can we do to help these young people deal with the stress and disappointment?

We can quote them Bible verses and tell our own stories of hardship and disappointments, but what can we physically do to help?  I recently joined a group that allows you to adopt a senior.   You contact the person posting them and get their information about what they like, favorite color, etc. then you can send them a gift.  Most send snacks, t-shirts…things listed in their information.  It’s not a lot, but a way to brighten their day and let the kids know that someone cares about what they’re going through. Many of these groups are available online.

Many schools are planning a virtual online graduation for their seniors and some are planning outside ceremonies later on.  I’m sure it will all work out so all are honored in some way.  I hope these young people can look past their disappointment and look at the reality of the situation.  It’s always hard to embrace change, but I hope they can see the uniqueness of their situation and know that right now we all are a part of history that will be remembered forever.

No other time in history has the whole world been shut down due to a virus that no one really knows anything about.  The knowledge and discoveries that come from this situation can possibly save lives for years and lead to all new information…maybe in the process even a cure for cancer might be found.  Plans and dreams may have to be put on hold temporarily, but let’s be thankful to be living in a time where, thanks to technology, we are not totally shut off from the world.  We can video chat, Skype, text…none of these things were available till only a few years ago.

You worked for thirteen long years to reach the goal of graduating and becoming adults.  The Bible tells us that “when a child, I thought and acted as a child, but when I grew up I did away with childish things.”  Not that your dreams of graduation were childish, but as adults we adjust to change and our dreams begin to broaden.  It’s time for bigger and brighter dreams that will possibly lead to success and happiness…just expect a lot of bumps and disappointments along the way…it’s called life.

The pandemic will end and brighter days are coming for us all.  Our ancestors lived through two World wars, the Dustbowl and the Great depression…we will live through this…and oh, the stories we’ll have to tell!  In your quest for happiness and fulfillment though, don’t forget to include the Lord. Nobody loves you more or has your best interest at heart more than He does. You’ll be wise to look to Him for wisdom and keep His Word close at hand. Remember: All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8: 28

Congratulations, class of 2020!


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