Red Flag and Pot: NM Dems in a Hurry to Pass Red Flag Gun Bill, Pot Bill Heard Today


Quote of the Day from Historian Bill Federer: Most genocides result from systems which deny each person is made in the image of God — that deny all are of equal value in His sight.

My hero of faith Smith Wigglesworth said: I refuse to be an ordinary man. You say, “Why do you?” Because I have an extraordinary God who makes extraordinary people.

WOW! Me too! I think I have a new motto! Please visit me and all of our writers for God at FGGAM Biblical Worldview!
Excited to serve the Lord again today! I am blessed to serve my Lord and you!

Red Flag and Pot……….

We have two reports on the Red Flag bill this morning, one from the House Republicans and one from the ABQ Journal. We also have a report from New Mexico Watchman, Jose Vasquez on the Pot bill that is to be heard today. Chuck Akeley has commentary on the marijuana bill also. We are also blessed to have a report from Ethel Maharg from Right to Life.


FGGAM News received this news release from the NM House Republicans:

Democrat red-flag gun rush to finish continues

Santa Fe, NM- Following a delay of several hours, the House Consumer and Public Affairs (CPAC) committee kicked off the first and only public committee hearing of the highly controversial red-flag gun bill, SB 5. Despite six amendments in the Senate chamber, the Speaker of the House Brian Egolf (D-Santa Fe) made the unilateral determination that the contentious gun legislation would only be heard by a committee of three Democrat and two Republican lawmakers before moving to the full body. House Republican legislators voiced their frustration over SB 5 not being given due justice by being heard by the House Judicial committee.

“Given the numerous changes to the SB 5, I cannot believe that the public truly understands what this bill intends to do. I am not sure the members of this House, at this point, are reading from the same version of the bill or analysis,” said Representative Candy Ezzell (R-Roswell), “I applaud our committee analysts and staff for having tried to uncomplicate the mess that has been created by fast-tracking this bill, but I do not believe that this committee fully vetted SB 5. We are dealing with people’s constitutional rights, and those rights are worth fighting for and worth the time to properly discuss the red-flag gun bill.”

The House CPAC committee heard SB 5 late into the evening, beginning with 30-minute limited debate for each opinion of the legislation. The 30-minute public comment limit, the first use of such rule change privilege in a hearing this year, was hurriedly announced by CPAC chair Liz Thomson (D-Albuquerque) shortly after the Speaker announced the bill’s single committee assignment.

Representative Ezzell and Representative Gregg Schmedes (R-Tijeras) both introduced amendments to align SB 5 with recommendations aimed at further clarifying the red-flag gun bill. All republican sponsored amendments were tabled by the three democrat committee members, with little to no debate on each amendment.

“This bill disarms our brave law enforcement officers by removing their discretion to do their job,” said Representative Gregg Schmedes, “Progressive Democrats are pushing this legislation to weaken and litigate law enforcement agencies, endangering us all. I do not support the violation of law-abiding New Mexicans constitutional rights.”

Senate Bill 5 passed the House CPAC on a party line vote of 3-2.

Reg Flag Report By ABQ Journal

Our Thanks to NM Watchman Jose Vasquez for this report!

                                                                                          February 11, 2020
Dear Friends, 
The Senate Judiciary Committee will hear Cannabis Regulation Act, SB 115 tomorrow Wednesday, February 12, 2020 at 2:30 p.m. or following the close of the floor session in Room 321.
The Marijuana bill claims to be the panacea for all of New Mexico’s financial ills, promising 11,000 high paying jobs. 
The law has proven a disaster in Colorado where it is reported that for every dollar acquired, $4.50 is spent mitigating the disastrous results.  Every 3 days, a traffic death results from marijuana consumption.
For remarkable report on the cost of the legislation in Colorado referenced by the New Mexico Business Coalition see: .
In addition, the promise that drug cartels would be eliminated has proven contrary to that assurance.  More cartel involvement has followed legalization.  See the follow PBS news story:
Please, if at all possible, attend tomorrow’s meeting. 
Please urge committee members to Vote NO, vote against
the Cannabis Regulation Act.
Lastly but most importantly, please PRAY for each of the committee member and sponsors of the bill.
Bill Sponsors:
Senate Judiciary Committee
Senator Joseph Cervantes, Chair, D-Las Cruses
(505) 986-4861
Senator Daniel Ivey-Soto, Vice Chair, D-Albuquerque
(505) 986-4270
Senator William H. Payne, Ranking Member, R-Albuquerque
(505) 986-4703
Senator Gregory A. Baca, R-Belen
(505) 986-4877
Senator Ron Griggs, R-Alamogordo
(505) 986-4391
Senator Linda M. Lopez, D-Albuquerque
(505) 986-4737
Senator Richard C. Martinez, D-Espanola
(505) 986-4487
Senator Mark Moores, R-Albuquerque
(505) 986-4856
Senator Bill B. O’Neill, D-Albuquerque
(505) 986-4260
Senator Mimi Stewart, D-Albuquerque
(505) 986-4726
Senator Peter Wirth, D-Santa Fe
God bless you for your concern for New Mexico and God bless New Mexico.
New Mexico Watchman
              “And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit…”
                                                                        Ephesian 5:18
New Mexico Watchman, 3600 Cerrillos 714C-908, Santa Fe, NM 87507

Past Posts:

Legalized pot is all about the MONEY for the state and peoples pockets, it is not about the well-being of people and the future of our children. Money rules in this world we live in, not whats best for God’s people!

People of God, you must take to your knees during this session.

I wonder how many POT HEADS are driving in New Mexico today?

How many in New Mexico are driving drunk? or drunk at home, or at the bar?

How many ABORTIONS in New Mexico today?

How many children are being abused today in New Mexico?

How many children are hungry today in New Mexico?

How many children are homeless in New Mexico?

How many are high on drugs in New Mexico today?

How many violent crimes will be committed in New Mexico today?

Where is the moral code for New Mexico?

Where are The Ten Commandments placed and upheld in New Mexico?

Are we a state of DEATH?

From July 23rd of 2019 from Chuck Akeley of Albuquerque:

“Legalization” Of Marijuana In New Mexico – Is This Really A Good Idea?


In our country and yes, our state, it has become almost fashionable to support the growth and use of marijuana, whether for medicinal use or recreational use.  So much so, that even our state executive and many legislators consider government sanctioned and controlled distribution of marijuana to be a worthy effort as means to acquire tax dollars.  Let’s consider some of the well-established issues facing New Mexico.  For many years, we’ve been rated at the bottom or almost the bottom for quality of education, children living in poverty, drug use (e.g., opioid use), drug trafficking (I-40, I-10, I-25 and the southern border corridors) and DWI offenders (including the associated deaths).  Is there really wisdom in enhancing these issues by creating a culture of “legalized” use of marijuana here in New Mexico?


A wise man once told me that if you have any doubt as to whether to do or say something, then ask yourself, would you look to Jesus and say “Lord, I do this thing as unto You” or “Lord, I give You thanks for this which I am about to do.”  If the answer is no, then why are you doing it?  Would you ask Jesus to bless your firing up of a joint or bowl or eating of a laced edible so that you would experience a high?  The scripture says we should seek His wisdom.  According to Proverbs 4:7, “[w]isdom is the principal thing; [t]herefore get wisdom [NKJV].”  Ephesians 5:15-21 instructs us to walk in wisdom:  “[s]ee then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.  Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.  And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ [NKJV].”  Just because we CAN do something doesn’t necessarily mean we SHOULD do something.


My background includes a few years as a Special Agent with the USAF Office of Special Investigations, during which much of the training involved drug enforcement.  I spent the first year after completing the initial academy leading the Travis AFB, CA Joint Drug Enforcement Team and subsequently worked for several years at Holloman AFB, NM participating in drug enforcement operations with the other agents.  Once you have strapped on the equipment and executed a few warrants, you tend to develop a very different perspective about “low level drug use,” as the small amounts of drugs came from someone who was probably not your next door neighbor, and that person’s drugs came from a trafficker – a very dangerous person.  The perspective that I’m not hurting anyone is a big lie.  It is not surprising to me that the military and local or state police have had to lower standards in order to acquire acceptable cadets.  Today, our children and youth often do things as a result of cultural or peer influences which can devastate future employment opportunities.  How much worse it is when our children’s parents are the ones modeling this behavior?  I thank God that our Lord is forgiving and merciful, and am reminded that we are called to forgive others and to help guide our friends, family and others unto salvation and into their God-given destiny!


It’s interesting to hear discussions about “legalizing” recreational use of marijuana at the state level.  If a state allows something that is forbidden at the federal level, it is not really legal, but what is happening is that the federal government has elected, as a matter of enforcement discretion, to refrain from seeking prosecution under certain circumstances and the state has elected to ignore existing federal code or statutes.  The federal Controlled Substances Act (“CSA”), 21 USC 812, establishes five schedules of controlled substances, identified as Schedules I, II, III, IV and V.  Schedule I lists substances that have been determined to have:  1) a high potential for abuse; 2) no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States; and 3) a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or substance under medical supervision.  The psychoactive substance in marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol (“THC”), remains to this day a listed Schedule I substance.  Because of this, many states have struggled with the medicinal and recreational use of marijuana and declare legality, when in point of fact, what is occurring is simply enforcement discretion at the federal level and a glaring lack of willingness of the federal government to take a solid position one way or the other.


There is MUCH remaining to be said about this issue, including the increasing levels of THC in modern-grown marijuana plants provided by dispensaries and technologically-advanced illicit grows, the lack of clear means for law enforcement to easily determine the degree of driving impairment compared to determining alcohol impairment, the effect that such has or may have on us developmentally, mentally and physically, the wisdom and procedure for assuring sound regulatory controls at the federal and state level – and assuming this issue isn’t going away quickly, the spiritual implications of encouraging, yet another mind altering substance for use by our residents, demonstrating yet again, the wisdom of man in the face of the wisdom of God.


Father, in the name of Jesus, I ask that You would speak to the hearts of those in a position to encourage, allow, regulate and/or spend tax dollars on marijuana matters in our beautiful State of New Mexico (and across this nation).  Give us ears to hear and eyes to see what is the will of God.  May wisdom guide our discussions and determinations, with a mighty hedge of protection over all who are doing Your will and serving Your people, in light of this challenge.  But regardless, help us to always love.  Always.  Amen.


Chuck Akeley

Albuquerque, New Mexico

Website     Life Issues     Political Action    Resources     About Us 
February 11, 2020

Hello Everyone,
Please make plans to attend the Pro-life Lobby Day “Love Life Day” this Friday February 14 in Santa Fe in the Rotunda from 12-2:00 PM.
Many of you have called the Capital to ask your representatives to oppose any abortion legislation and have been told there isn’t a bill. This is the process. They have what are called ‘Dummy bills” a sort of a place holder. These dummy bills then can be converted to whatever they choose even if the deadline for filing a bill has passed. So in answer to the questions, No there is no abortion bill number…yet. This does not prevent us from calling. What you are to say even if they say there is no bill. I understand there isn’t a bill number, however I ask (the legislator you are calling) to oppose any abortion legislation.
The Pro-abortion groups are applying tremendous pressure to keep abortion as they say “safe and legal” so we have to have a strong presence again so please make plans to attend the Love Life Day on Friday. As always don’t come alone. Fill your cars, vans and buses. I’ll see you there.
Thank you all for what you do for the cause of life.
God bless,
Ethel Maharg
Executive Director

PS: If you don’t know who your legislator is, click the link below.

RTLCNM, 2413 Wyoming Blvd NE, Ste A, Albuquerque, NM, NM 87112

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