In My Study This Morning: Forget the Past

I love my brother Jude so much, such an awesome man of God!


Isaiah 44:18-19” Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland”

My thoughts ……
Wow … first thing that comes to mind when I read this, is Paul… Let me explain… If there was ever anyone who would like to grasp this promise, it was Paul.. He had a lot of past to want to forget about.. One certain instance would be reflected in Acts 7: 58 which states that Paul actually held the coats for those who had stoned Stephen. We all have a past that we want to forget about… We have all at one time or another done things that have caused hurt and pain to others or loved ones.. We have all held “The Coats”!!! We have all pointed the fingers… Funny how sin always affects others around you more than you know.. And sin always looks worse in someone else doesn’t it? In Philippians 3, Paul put the above scripture into action … Because he stated that one thing he did do, was forgot what happened behind him and strained forward to what is ahead of him…”Heavenward “…. But the key to his statement rests in the most important component reflected in verse 14… IN CHRIST JESUS!!!
Folks there is no other way!!!!
You can’t cover your sins with fig leaves anymore!!! The blood of Jesus is the only way!! We have to stop the blame game!! Let the blood of Christ use your past as a springboard to the future with Him.. Most people always make a New Years resolution… The weakness of most New Years resolutions is this… Is that they simply go in one year, and out the other.. Or they are like babies crying in church… They must be carried out to be good….

I close with this… The world has been in a mess since sin entered it, and it will be in a mess till sin exits it.. King David wanted to build a house for God.. It was a good idea… but it was not a GODLY IDEA… So what’s my point? … I’m glad you asked.. We must be transformed, transparent, with the renewing of our minds, and develop the MIND OF CHRIST.. You want a New Year… develop a NEW MIND!! Make everyday a New Year.. don’t wait till 2021!!! Stop the repeated behaviors of your past by not carrying it forward with you into your future.. Here’s a clue.. If it didn’t work last year, what makes you think it will work this year? If you were to break down the word…. RESOLUTION… and spell iT RE-SOLUTION… it takes on a whole different meaning… The only SOLUTION IS CHRIST!!!

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