Israel Closely Watching Events in Syria


President Donald Trump announced Sunday night he will allow Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to invade northeast Syria.


U.S. pulls back troops from northern Syria ahead of Turkish assault, Pentagon officials “blindsided”
The White House announced late Sunday that Turkey will soon move forward with a planned military operation in northeast Syria, as U.S. troops who have been deployed and operating with Kurdish-led forces in the area began pulling back from their positions.

Read in Fox News:

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18-year-old US soldier to serve in Afghanistan 18 years after conflict began
A U.S. soldier near as old as the Afghanistan conflict girds for deployment.

Read in ABC News:

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Israel Closely Watching Events in Syria

In light of the announcement Monday evening by US President Donald Trump that he is pulling all remaining US military forces out of north-eastern Syria while warning Turkey that he is prepared to act against its economy if a threatened military invasion includes war crimes, Israeli officials hinted that they will seek closer cooperation with Russia. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke on Monday about his recent phone call with Russian President Vladimir Putin, saying “We have great challenges around us, but we enjoy important cooperation and coordination with Russia, something that is critical for us, and which we will continue to deal with.”


Implications of a Turkish Invasion of Northeast Syria
Will Todman, CSIS

For months, U.S. diplomats and military officials have been seeking ways to reduce tensions between Turkey and the SDF. In August, the two sides agreed to jointly administer the border zone. The United States implemented a series of confidence-building measures with Turkey, including joint patrols and reconnaissance flights in the border area. The U.S. government also convinced the SDF to dismantle its defenses in the border area. The Turks have been unhappy with the implementation of the agreement, and President Erdogan announced the completion of preparations for a military incursion into northeast Syria on October 5.


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