Who Is Connected To Your Destiny? Angel’s Prayer Of The Day…


Who Is Connected To Your Destiny?

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. It’s morning somewhere around the world. (Lol) Life is full of lessons. Never take for granted the day the Lord has given you to enjoy and be a blessings to those around you. I am a bit sad this morning as our group will all go our separate ways. We had two Emmanuels on board and two Angels and a Johnny. That was before our West African friends and Angela (Angel number three) and the other thousand(s) of people that joined our miracle team.

Emmanuel showed up right here form the USA and had no hotel room. Something had gotten mixed up in that computer system after he booked it. Full house the man behind the desk told him. Somehow, his reservation didn’t make it and he was without a room for the night. He was very kind and said it was ok. To make a long story short, Emmanuel ended up sharing a room with another Emmanuel from another Country. It all worked out fine and didn’t matter he was from Japan. God had sent our Emmanuel help from on high.

My roommate cancelled and was coming late and had made arrangements staying with some other friends. The same thing happened and I was able to assist another Angel from Canada. We all will be forever friends. Isn’t it amazing how God takes care of us and he orders our footsteps as we believe.

It is so true Emmanuel (God is with us). I think about all the times in my life that God showed himself as Emmanuel, God is with me. I hope everyone around this world can too. Let’s Pray:

Father, thank you that you are Emmanuel God with us. Thank you that you give your angels charge over us. (Psalm 91) Thank you that no weapon formed against us will ever prosper. Thank you that you know what we need before we even need it. Failures are only temporary in your kingdom. You rebuilt, restore and refresh.

Father, when computer systems fail, we still have our book. The Bible, the book of life. Jesus, God, our Father, you are always with us. The only cancellation in your book, is for the sins of mankind. Your blood was enough.

Father, thank you for being Emmanuel, God with us. Oh, how we worship you. Amen

Have a blessed day God’s most beautiful people. Believe in Emmanuel. He desires to journey the day with you. Thank him in advance for allowing you the privilege to discover his hand on your life. Amen

Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Emmanuel. Isaiah 7:14

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