Good Morning Beautiful People…My Daughters, Be Free


Good Morning Beautiful People… My Daughters, Be Free

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. On Friday morning as I was praying and preparing to leave for the Healing Waters Women’s Conference 2018 in Riverview, New Brunswick, I rediscovered this writing I penned in May of 2006. As I sat that weekend by the water almost twelve years ago now, with my heart for God and His people, along with my prayer journal and pen, this is what I wrote. I had penned it after a time of prayer and fasting for the women that would be attending this prayer Summit. That weekend my heart enlarged beyond my local church to the world. I will never forget that weekend-ever.
                                                       My Daughters
Let the water refresh you, come deeper, deep calleth unto deep.
You’ve never been this way before.
The tide is rising
Come, come, come my beloved.
The bridegroom calleth His bride. Be free to be who I created you to be. No need for competition. You all have your special place in the army of God. Take your place, for your place is most important. My army will not be intact without you. Women of Destiny you truly are women on the front lines. Step up, take your place. You have the victory cry. March on women of God, for I receive you.
No need to live up to others expectations. No need to strive for perfection. I will perfect all that concerns you. Receive my love daughters, for I have paid a great price for you.
My plans for you are to be refreshed in my love. Drink from my well that never runs dry. All you will ever need is in me. My covenant daughters drink, drink, drink, drink deep until you are full, whole and ready to return.
Come back often for fresh wine. Don’t go too long before you come and drink again. Make your secret place a Camp Shiktahawk. For it is there I’ll meet you again precious daughters.
Your daddy loves you!….Jesus


Isaiah 62:11 NIV The LORD has made proclamation to the ends of the earth: “Say to Daughter Zion, ‘See, your Savior comes! See, his reward is with him, and his recompense accompanies him.'”



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