Happy Birthday to Windom Prayer Warrior Clara Nelson! 91 Years Young Today!


We are so thankful to our LORD for Clara Nelson! This woman of God who prayers constantly for the Windom, Minnesota area and many others is celebrating 91 years on God’s earth today!

Clara is at the Good Samaritan Home in Windom recovering from surgery. She hopes to return to Pine View in a week or so, but says, “It is all in the hands of our Lord, all is good here!”

I have learned so much over the years from Clara on how to pray…..to be in constant prayer, every breath is a prayer.

I have heard from many people since the Windom Revival in 2016, on how Clara brought them to know Jesus or helped them in their relationship with our Lord.

She told me about her current prayer list yesterday.

Clara told me yesterday, “You have to come back to Windom next year, the revival is just getting started”

I pray for every community in the world to have a prayer warrior like Clara.

You have to listen to a 91-year-old prayer warrior and put it all before God.

Clara is loved by thousands, not hundreds, but thousands!

We feel bad she missed this years revival due to her surgery, but the LORD had other plans. We gave Clara the Cross that Butch Dunnick made for the Windom Revival.

A week before the revival, Clara mailed me her prayer she was going to say at the Revival, the Lord had shown her to do that. You see, when you have a close relationship with Jesus like Clara, the Lord speaks to you, the Holy Spirit is with you as  messenger and comforter.

We all love you Clara and look to you as one of the brightest lights shining on this earth for Jesus!


This letter to the editor appeared this week in the Cottonwood County Citizen, Windom, Minnesota newspaper. Thank you Irene Menken for your sweet words, Proverbs 16:24. It was a blessing to see you and pray for you at the Revival and then to see you again at ALC on Sunday! The support of the community of Windom and Greg at the BARC has been such a God send, it makes me weep tears of joy. In this picture I am praying over Vicky Tucci and to the left Pat Fisher. Vicky, Pat and Mike Fisher played a Godly role in this years revival. By the way I am wearing the sweat shirt that Vicky presented me with, it was her late husband Jim’s. It says on the front, “Ask me About Jesus”. It is a Godly honor to wear the sweatshirt Jim did, as he ministered to hundreds, perhaps thousands, during his lifetime! What a man of God!

Windom spiritual revival was a blessing for city

Windom News Cottonwood County Citizen Our city of Windom was blessed with a spiritual revival at BARC, Friday and Saturday, by a hometown boy, Pastor Dewey Moede.
Dewey is the son of Wally and Ruth Moede. We thank him for an inspiring ministry and entertainment by people from our community.
We pray and thank those who played, sang songs and gave testimonial of God’s love.
Sunday morning Pastor Dewey was speaker at his home church, American Lutheran Church. We very much appreciate Dewey’s decision to come back to his hometown (from his current home in Albuquerque, NM.).
- Irene Menken

When I read your letter Irene, to Windom prayer warrior, Clara Nelson, she wept tears of joy! Clara said, “Dewey, you have to come back next year, revival in Windom is just getting started”.

PS: It is a blessing for Irene to call me a BOY! LOL! LOL! Because I feel like a little boy at nearly 62 years of age! I just want to run all over the world and share the love of Jesus!

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