Very Humbled Once Again


Very humbled once again this past Saturday. I went into a restaurant and “Moose” handed me a love offering saying that this is for the great work you do for the Lord very humbling but it is a blessing to serve God and the kingdom, I’m touched by the love of so many. I boast only in my Lord and His great works!!! Therefore, as it is written: “Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord.” 1 Cor 1:31

Vietnam Veteran “Moose” was signing the book, “From The Frozen Chosin to Churchill” Moose is written about in the book! Sharon got me a copy! We love having breakfast with Moose at Hannah and Nate’s in Albuquerque!

As many of you longtime readers know, one of my best friends was killed in the Vietnam War, Roger Carey of Windom, Minnesota.

Please order the book.

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