Stand Firm!


My Daddy planted this tree after I was born 61 years ago! The elm still stands strong at the Moede homestead in Windom, Minn. Brother Dave and his lovely wife Denise live there now! PTL for my Daddy and Mommy who raised us to stand strong in our Lord!

This elm tree has survived hail storms and elm disease! Standing strong after 61 years! PTL!

We as a family have survived many types of storms……but….we still stand strong!

The Moede Family, standing strong in our Lord……Family heritage, a Christian heritage! Amen!

One of the main reason I love to preach Jesus is because of the Christian foundation that my Mom and Dad built for us kids. So many never get that foundation. I know the benefits of it! Now I get to preach it!

Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. 1 Corinthians 16:13

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