My Tribute to My Wife Sharon


This is my favorite picture of Sharon. She had just got done speaking at Pastor Tom Bozone’s Church in Rio Rancho, NM a few years ago! That glow is just outstanding! She has that glow almost all the time! Right now she is down with bronchitis! She is unable to work today. She caught it, after being in Denver with our grand baby Lilith. Lilith got sick, then everyone got it!!!

Today I share with you that it is our wedding anniversary! I celebrate what the Lord has done for me in having Sharon as my wife. Long-time friend Tom Johnson told me years ago, “Dewey, Sharon is a very strong woman.” Yes she is! She is quiet, but is so very strong in her words and presence. I am here to tell you what God has shown and taught me about my marriage to Sharon.

For one thing, when Sharon and I met years ago I did not have two pennies to rub together. God put us together. Pastor Barry Dickens, then of the Los Alamos, NM Methodist Church and his lovely wife Susan ministered to us. God used Barry and Susan to help us forge a strong relationship with God and each other.

It will be 5 years this August when God formed FGGAM.

I will always remember the day I came home from KKIM Christian radio in Albuquerque and told her as I walked through the door, “Babe, I have got to leave KKIM and go into the ministry God has put on my heart.”

Sharon did not even bat an eye, I walked away from a $80,000 a year job! Can you imagine telling your spouse that you were leaving an $80,000 a year job and going into a work that paid zero at the start. God has nothing to do with zero however! Sharon knew more than me that God had this covered.

Sharon, for the first 2 and a half years sold off many of her personal belongings to help fund the ministry. When things get tight, she still does. We are constantly downsizing. Right now we are working to get the house ready for sale over the next year or two to sell. God will lead the way. The only upsizing here is with our relationship with God.

It is best to downsize with the ways of the world and upsize with the ways of God.

Romans 12:2

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

It is best to be where God is at, and He is at FGGAM, He no longer wanted me at the radio station.

It is best to be with God…can you even imagine being away from God? I fear being away from God! Amen!

Sharon is with me in this walk with Jesus at FGGAM. She continues to fund this ministry through her full-time nursing position. She is an RN at UNM.

She is my heart, soul and mind. She keeps me focused on God and family. She helps me shrug off the negatives that come at us every day. She is my shining star from our Lord Jesus Christ.

“I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. What I can do, I ought to do. What I ought to do, by the grace of God, I will do.” —D. L. Moody

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