Gas Prices Likely to Rise, Result of Alabama Gas Line Explosion

One Week to Election: Clinton Campaign Tries to Pivot Off Defensive
Hillary Clinton tried to pivot to the offensive in battleground Florida on Tuesday in an effort to deflect attention from the FBI’s new review related to Clinton’s email server case.
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One Week to Election: Trump Seizes Momentum, Tries to Unite GOP
While GOP leaders, like Speaker Paul Ryan and Ohio Governor John Kasich, remain distant from Donald Trump, the candidate and his running mate are seizing on Clinton’s emails to court wary GOP voters.
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Analysis: Where Does the Electoral College Map Stand?
The presidential election will come down to winning 270 Electoral College votes. After a series of October surprises, the electoral map is in flux.
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Gas Prices Likely to be Impacted by Alabama Gas Line Explosion, Fire
The explosion and fire, on a line that stretches from Texas to New York harbor, provides some 40 percent of fuel for the East Coast. The incident could cause gas price hikes for millions.
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Exclusive: Putin Targeting Microsoft in Effort to ‘Nationalize’ Internet
A senior U.S. intelligence official tells NBC News that Russian President Vladimir Putin is specifically targeting software giant Microsoft for its alleged ties to U.S. intelligence.
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Marijuana Issues on the Ballot in Multiple States on Election Day
Next Tuesday, five states — California, Arizona, Nevada, Massachusetts and Maine — will have legalization on the ballot in what could be a historic day for the country’s legalization movement.
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University of Wisconsin-Stout Student From Saudi Arabia Killed
Investigators are looking into why Hussain Saeed Alnahdi, 24, was attacked and left bloodied in the street near a pizza restaurant in a Wisconsin college town.
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Rare Photos Inside Obamas’ White House Home via Architectural Digest
The architecture magazine takes readers to the second floor of the White House, where the First Family lives. The photos provide a very rare look at where the family has lived for nearly 8 years.
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FBI Director Under Pressure for Answers After Clinton Case Review
Audio: Orlando Nightclub Gunman’s Voice Heard in Chilling 911 Calls
FBI Review Related to Clinton Emails Case Gives Trump a Late Opening
Snapchat Video Shows Driver Speeding at 115 mph Before Deadly Crash

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