My testimony of For God’s Glory Alone Ministries is two fold

Alan Wimbish newMy testimony of For God’s Glory Alone Ministries is two fold.
First off, I appreciate and value what FGGAM does for the children of New Mexico by drawing attention to their physical and spiritual condition.  American society places little value on children and demonstrates this by allowing children to be murdered before they are ever born.  If they have such little value before their born, how much value will they have after their born?  This is just one of the issues that FGGAM draws attention to by being a voice in the wilderness of apathy.  FGGAM also sounds the clarion call for Godly leadership in the public arena.  Our nation has lost hope in it’s leaders and it’s because of a lack of leadership; Godly leadership.  We need men and women of Godly character who can influence the world around them through their actions, decisions, and words.
The second reason I apprecate and value FGGAM is it’s director, Pastor Dewey Moede.  Pastor Dewey is a man of character and devotion to Godly principals and living.  After many decades in the radio business he is still serving God faithfully in the arena that He has called him to.  A ministry can be phenominal in it’s outreach and spectacular to behold but if the leader is not Godly, then the ministry is powerless.  Pastor Dewey is that Godly man who is being faithful to the great commission
God bless,
Alan is pictured above.
All for God’s Glory! AMEN! ptl!
2 Cor. 10:16-18
Paul Defends his Ministry
16so as to preach the gospel even to the regions beyond you, and not to boast in what has been accomplished in the sphere of another. 17But HE WHO BOASTS IS TO BOAST IN THE LORD.18For it is not he who commends himself that is approved, but he whom the Lord commends.

Alan Wimbish

State Coordinator
Child Evangelism Fellowship of New Mexico
Child Evangelism Fellowship is the largest international children’s missionary organization in the world.  Currently, CEF is ministering to children in 197 countries and reached 19.9 million children last year with the Gospel.  Child Evangelism Fellowship officially started in 1937.  Child Evangelism Fellowship is a Bible-centered organization composed of born-again believers whose purpose is to evangelize boys and girls with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and to establish (disciple) them in the Word of God and in a local church for Christian living.
Barna research shows that 85% of people who get saved, do so between the ages of 4-14.  Why not invest in the most spiritually sensitive portion of the population?
CEF of New Mexico has many ministries.  One of our largest ministries is Good News Clubs.
 Good News Club® is a ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship in which trained teachers meet with groups of children in schools, homes, community centers, churches, apartment complexes, just about anywhere the children can easily and safely meet with their parent’s permission. Each week the teacher presents an exciting Bible lesson using colorful materials from CEF Press. This action-packed time also includes songs, Scripture memory, a missions story and review games or other activities focused on the lesson’s theme.

As with all CEF ministries, the purpose of Good News Club is to evangelize boys and girls with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and establish (disciple) them in the Word of God and in a local church for Christian living.

Can we really teach the Bible in public schools?

Yes! The Gospel has been taught freely in public schools all over the world for some time.  Now children in the U.S. have that opportunity, too!  In 2001 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Good News Clubs v. Milford Central School that Good News Clubs can meet in public schools in the United States after school hours on the same terms as other community groups. Children attend Good News Club only with their parents’ permission.

What is taught in Good News Club?

Each week an exciting Bible lesson using colorful materials from CEF Press is presented. This action-packed time also includes songs, Scripture memory, a missions story and review games or other activities focused on the lesson’s theme.

Each club includes a clear presentation of the Gospel and an opportunity for children to trust the Lord Jesus as Savior. Every club also includes strong discipleship training to build character and strengthen moral and spiritual growth. All children are encouraged to attend a local church.

Who teaches a Good News Club?

Christians who are concerned for boys and girls work together volunteering their time and energy to teachGood News Club. They are trained by Child Evangelism Fellowship to have a club that is exciting and informative so that children will want to keep coming. Teachers are asked to sign the CEF Statement of Faith and agree to abide by the policies of the organization. Adults working with the program are screened according to our child protection policy.

In the United States there is a movement among churches to adopt a public school Good News Club.  .

How can I get involved?

There are several opportunities to be involved with a Good News Club.  You can pray for the children and teachers in the club. Become a club teacher or helper by contacting your local chapter and asking about training and opportunities.

The greatest need for CEF of New Mexico right now is for Christians who are burdened to reach boys and girls in their city and county and can help form a local committee so that a local chapter can be developed.   With local workers in a particular area, the work will grow tremendously and quickly allowing us to reach more boys and girls in NM with the Gospel! We also need financial investors who want to see their money invested for eternal rewards.  Find out more at

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