Vision Killers


A church that is “all in for Jesus” is a church that will win for Jesus! This year, we have a new opportunity to win! This day after the awesome Santa Fe, New Mexico Prayer Rally with Franklin Graham we have a new opportunity to win for JESUS! REVIVAL starts with prayer! Amen! As we understand God’s vision for the church and work together in unity to see that vision become reality, we must: BE ALERT AND MINDFUL OF VISION KILLERS! CRITICS! There will always be critics, I have them, you have them if you are doing anything for God, be very concerned if you do not have critics! Folks, we need to be “ALL IN FOR JESUS” this year! We need to get HIS vision for the church! WE NEED TO BE ABOUT OUR FATHER’S BUSINESS! HOW MANY OF YOU WILL STAND WITH ME IN AGREEMENT? Now please, listen to my message for you today, thank you!
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