Albuquerque’s anti-abortion crusaders


(ABQ JOURNAL- Picture Caption) “Tara and Bud Shaver, who home-school their children, make time for a weekday outing to a local park with their kids. Bud is the executive director of the anti-abortion group Protest ABQ, and Tara is the organization’s senior policy adviser.” (Roberto E. Rosales/Albuquerque Journal)

By Bud and Tara Shaver

Albuquerque, NM- January is usually a busy month for the pro-life movement as it is Sanctity of Life month and a reminder that another year of legalized child killing has come and gone.

There is always more that can be done, so this month we did something new to launch the umbrella ministry, Life Ministries U.S. lead by Fr. Stephen Imbarrato. Life Ministries U.S. not only allows us to accept tax deductible gifts, but it also broadens the work that is being done here in New Mexico to the national arena.

On January 26th our team reserved the New Mexico Capital building rotunda, a large round open space right in the middle of the place in our state where pro-life laws are supposed to be introduced and enacted.

In the rotunda our message was heard loud and clear, that the pro-life community wants un-compromised laws passed to protect children in their mothers wombs.

Watch FULL (45min.) FEATURE:


We presented a 45 min. video compilation of 5 years of investigative research titled “Inside New Mexico’s Reproductive Health Clinics” that exposes the true nature of New Mexico’s abortion facilities. A reality that includes abortion inflicted injuries upon women, cover up of statutory rape and medical students performing abortions through the University of New Mexico’s training program.

We used the pro-abortion lobby’s wording but our research proves that “reproductive health care” is not what women get when they go to abortion facilities.

For more documented abuses and investigations of New Mexico Reproductive Health Clinics visit:

“Albuquerque’s Anti-Abortion Crusaders”

On January 31, the ABQ Journal newspaper published a personality profile article about us and our work in New Mexico.

We are always amazed by how God provides these divine opportunities to speak the truth and He puts our message of love and life out there for the general public to hear.

We love that the only thing our opponents can say about us is that we’re “extreme and unmovable’ in our position to love God first and love our neighbors as ourselves second. This is the pillar of our ministry that the world just doesn’t understand, we do this work to save the lives of precious pre-born children created in God’s image out of love for God. These babies are our neighbors just the same as the moms and dads who contemplate killing them.

We felt the article was balanced and we give God all of the glory for how he uses to it change hearts and minds in our city.

Here is a small excerpt:

“Parents to three children ages 5 and younger, Bud Shaver, 37, and Tara Shaver, 31, are soft-spoken but articulate and passionate about this issue…“We’re just Christian people who want to see babies’ lives saved and moms protected,” Tara said.

“We ultimately want to bring our culture and community in New Mexico to a point, not where we enforce our will on New Mexico,” Bud said, “but where New Mexico understands and embraces a culture of life.” Read the full story: Albuquerque’s anti-abortion crusaders

Thank you for your prayers and for standing with us for life in New Mexico.

You make it possible for us to make sure that New Mexicans learn the truth about abortion!

We rely on regular monthly donations to be able to do this work as full time missionaries.

Click HERE if you would like to make secure online donation

family 2015

In Christ,

The Shaver Family


Personality Profile Piece by the ABQ Journal Featuring Bud and Tara Shaver’s Efforts In New Mexico

Video: Part 1 of 3- “Inside NM Reproductive Health Clinics”

Video Part 2: Inside NM Reproductive Health Clinics

JUST RELEASED: Final Video (Part 3)- Inside New Mexico Reproductive Health Clinics

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