New Mexico’s Michelle Lujan Grisham: “I’m proud to say our Democratic candidates delivered by giving honest, thoughtful, and common sense solutions”


We must be in constant prayer for the world to come to Jesus Christ……After last nights Democratic Presidential debate, I was left with my head spinning…I was sadden to hear what was coming out of the mouths of the candidates……FBI investigation of Clinton’s emails was laughed at by all……and College and everything else is going to be free… this… that…….oh my!  What a mess we are in. It seemed they all have conceded the world to evil, maybe not candidate Jim Webb, he seemed out of place with the Democrats. Under Obama we have lost the respect of the world, we have taken a back seat to China and Russia, the world is in chaos. I am telling you, wherever I went today, the concern is that Clinton or Sanders will be our next President. The media is behind the Democrats, it will be a miracle if the Republican nominee wins. Spiritually America is critically ill, we are in ICU. The majority of America does not want the truth, it wants FREE! FREE! EVERYTHING FREE! My Daddy, a World War II Veteran, always told me, “There is nothing free in this world son, including freedom!” Only 7% of America goes to Church, Christians are a minority. Pray for a miracle! The dumbing down of America was played to last night by the Democrats. At the same time, the Republicans better get behind Dr. Ben Carson and Ted Cruz, two men of God and stop the circus. Just a reminder I am a registered Independent and I vet the person according to God’s Word.  To top off my day I got this email from U.S. Representative for New Mexico’s 1st Congressional District, Michelle Lujan Grisham: Michelle 2 

Dear Dewey,

“How to eliminate gun violence.”

“Wall Street reform.”

“Combating climate change.”

That’s what supporters like you told me they wanted to hear during last night’s debate — and I’m proud to say our Democratic candidates delivered by giving honest, thoughtful, and common sense solutions to many of the incredibly important issues working families are facing today.

Unlike the Republican candidates, there was no showboating or pandering to the fringe of American politics. There was a good old honest debate. That’s what we deserved — and it’s what we need from our candidates.

I’m proud to be a member of the only political party with candidates like Hillary Clinton, who I have endorsed, who are standing up for middle class families, and proposing real solutions to the problems working families are facing in this nation every day. And I’m proud to have a candidate like Bernie Sanders running who is pushing our party to take on Wall Street, and do right by working families. Last night, I was listening intently to hear something different than what the Republicans have been saying — something positive and forward, not another a series of poll-tested attacks and talking points.

I heard that last night — did you?

Thank you,

Michelle Lujan Grisham

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