PODCAST: From My Heart, Mastering Your Emotions


Reserve Revival

So I turned my attention to the Lord God to seek Him by prayer and petitions. Daniel 9:3…..EMOTIONS! Who do you turn to when your emotions are running high and may be out of control? Lets take some time to power down here and be still before Him right now. Remember the power of quiet as you accept the renewal invitation of Jesus and exchange your burdens and knots for His peace and restoration. In my podcast on this Sunday morning I want to share more on emotions, an ACTION PLAN on how to master them. We must always strive for a Biblical response to everything in life. Please listen.


A cknowledge the emotion

C onsider why you have it

T hank God that he will help you master it

I dentify the Biblical response to it

O bey the Holy Spirit’s leading

N urture the appropriate fruit of the Spirit

Source”Master Life” by Avery T. Willis Jr.
Deweys Message from the Heart

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