JUL 28 #WomenBetrayed National Rallies – NM Locations


By Tara Shaver

On July 14th, the Center for Medical Progress released an undercover video showing Planned Parenthood’s top abortionist casually discussing the dismembering, harvesting, and selling of baby body parts. It was sickening. It was horrifying. In it, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s Senior Director of Medical Services, candidly discusses crushing preborn babies to harvest and sell their body parts.

The abortion giant claims they care about women but they don’t – just look at their actions. Just Planned Parenthood alone gets over $500 million a year in our taxpayer money and makes more than $100 million in profit, all while having abortion quotas. The organization has been caught covering up statutory rape, double-billing taxpayers, aiding and abetting sex traffickers, scheduling sex-selective abortions and accepting money to abort African-American children.

Women have been betrayed by Planned Parenthood and all other abortion facilities. Families have been deceived. And the smallest among us have been the ultimate victims of the abortion industry’s horrific business schemes. Quite frankly, we’ve had enough. It’s time to relieve Planned Parenthood and all abortionists of our taxpayer dollars.

Students for Life of America, LifeNews.com, Operation Rescue, Pro-Life Future, and Women Speak for Themselves are inviting all pro-lifers across the nation to unite on Tuesday, July 28th as we protest pre-born child killing and call on state and federal officials to investigate and defund Planned Parenthood and all abortion facilities now!

All pro-life organizations in New Mexico are uniting in State-wide protest. Join pro-life protest efforts at any of the locations below:

State Roundhouse, 490 Old Santa Fe Trail
Contact: frstephen@defendinglife.org

Planned Parenthood, 701 San Mateo
Contact Betty: eeichenseer@bigplanet.com

(Visit the Albuquerque Facebook event page for details and restrictions)

LAS CRUCES: Albert Johnson Park near City Hall
Corner of N Main and Picacho
Protest 7AM – 6PM, #WomenBetrayed Rally 6PM-7PM
Sign-making meeting 7/24, 6PM at IHM Room 109
Flyer: https://copy.com/8Sadn1VS2yRPbJ1I
Contact: mark@lascrucesforlife.org

Bud and Tara Shaver will be joining Fr. Stephen Imbarrato of Priests For Life in Santa Fe on Tuesday July 28th from 10am-11am. Join us and several other speakers at the NM State Capital as we urge Governor Martinez and other state officials to call for a statewide investigation of New Mexico abortion facilities. Our tireless years of  research has revealed that NM abortion facilities are harvesting aborted baby body parts for medical research, which violates New Mexico law.

NM Statute Chapter 24 Section 6b: The Jonathan Spradling Revised Uniform Anatomical Gift Act Section 24-6B-2 excludes aborted babies as decedents (section D.) who are capable of making an anatomical gift who can donate their organs and tissues for “transplantation, therapy, research or education.”

Background information here: New Development Concerning NM Law on Selling Body Parts

Signs will be provided or feel free to bring your own!
ALL are welcome to join us up in Santa Fe

Learn more at https://www.womenbetrayed.com/

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