New Mexico Loses One of its Very Best, Radio Host Terrie Q. Sayre


New Mexico has lost one of it’s very best. Late yesterday FGGAM received word that 770 KKOB radio personality Terrie Q Sayre had died. Terrie blessed the airwaves of KKOB in Albuquerque, New Mexico for 8 years, her weekend programming was a big hit in New Mexico. Terrie was a strong defender of animals and involved in local theater. I have been told that Terrie had been fighting the flu for a month and was found dead in her home yesterday. Everybody loved Terrie Q. Sayre, as New Mexico Journalist Peter St. Cyr told me this morning by text, “She was genuinely warm and a friendly soul.” Amen! God Bless the memory of Terrie. May we all learn from her life of love. We pray the peace of Jesus Christ over Terrie’s family and friends, in Jesus name, Amen! The Lord teaches us to leave people better off than when we first met them……..leave them in a better state of mind, provide them food for the soul. Terrie sure did that! Amen! TerriThanks to my Dear friend Peter St. Cyr for the photo of Terrie and one of her buddies


  1. I didn’t know Terrie. I always listened to her radio programs on Saturday mornings. As a dog lover and owner of a wonderful dog I adopted from a no-kill shelter, the loveable, adoptable pet segment was especially meaningful to me. I am going to honor her memory by contributing to a stop the abuse of animals shelter.. Rest in Peace Terrie. You will be so missed.

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