Dewey’s Message on Cancer and the Pit of Sin at UNM


Shonda SavageIf all images do not show for you please go to FGGAM.ORG

BREAKING NEWS AT 2:53pm: CDC: Dallas Hospital patient tests positive for Ebola, first diagnosis in U.S. Let us be in prayer.

UPDATED: First Ebola Case in America

Dear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ,

Been very busy this morning, I am sorry about the delay in the CUP, but God is in charge!

I have had calls from all over the good old USA for prayer and guidance……..Lord be with us all! Lord give me wisdom! I am behind in returning calls to those in need!

Much of our day is spent counseling and praying.

Thank you also to Ben Lucero, Rick Stambaugh, Janice Arnold Jones, Barbara Gould, Kay Lawrence and others for inspiring talks today! Thank you for holding us up in your prayers!

Kathy Garcia we are praying for your family and your travels and my texts to you are still being rejected! LOL!

Thank you all for your support and love! WE LOVE YOU ALL!

I have had enough of cancer!

My Mom Ruth died of cancer at age 64, so many friends of ours have died of cancer, it is like an epidemic. Cancer is not of God. Right now we have FGGAM news reporter Rick Stambaugh with cancer and it breaks my heart to see this man in pain. This past weekend Pastor Barbara Gould had a dear friend pass of cancer, Pastor Elias Dominguez age 50 of Albuquerque. Pastor Elias leaves behind his lovely wife Felicia and 9 children, all but 1 are still at home. Please pray for the family.

Today I got this text from FGGAM writer Shonda Savage of El Paso, Texas:

Bad news. Melanoma. Good news. Superficial spread. Margins cleared. Yet
pathologist suggest 1cm more margin. Must make appt ASAP w/ surgical oncologist
for surgery. Also need appt w/ oncologist at EP cancer center for additional
screening. God is good. Let me make appts. And I’ll call you later.

Yes. Prayer for appts I need to set up, get surgeon God directs me to & the
surgical procedure.

Let us be in prayer for Shonda’s needs. I have included a picture of Shonda Savage at the top of this post. I just got off the phone with her.

I met Shonda years ago, her and Shona Neff were putting on a writers seminar and they invited me to speak about radio broadcasting. That same day I met Pastor Paul Holt for the first time. It was a wonderful day. Shonda, Shona and Paul are great Godly friends. Let us cover Shonda in our prayers , we pray for complete healing for Shonda, Rick Stambaugh and all others who have cancer.

Isaiah 53:5 But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.

Pslam 118: 17 I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the LORD has done.

We are blessed by Michelle’s words………….

Hi Dewey, I am glad you are bringing light to the foundation of the family. I am very aware of the lack of food in my sons friends homes, as well as my own friends homes. I see it all the time and wanted to email you often to tell you good going for spreading the word, we need help us single moms its so easy to give up. I wanted to thank you for always providing great information to us. I was praying that you would touch these men’s lives in Santa Fe to help them to see the importance of being the leader and taking charge in their families. I have been struggling with spiritual warfare lately , I have been noticing I am having attacks to the point where I feel something taking my breath away when I try to sleep, iv had occurrences twice and they are bad. I want to ask for prayer. As I draw closer to God and learning I feel I am getting attacked and I have no one to ask to help me with prayer just a couple girls here at work. Thank you Dewey, and I hope everyone is fine and give Sharon, Buffy and Reno a big hug from me. Thank you for keeping us informed once again, I Love reading the Daily cup.

God Bless you Dewey,

Michelle Archuleta in Albuquerque

Thank you Michelle, we are praying for you and yours! Kind words are like honey—-sweet to the soul and healthy for the body. Proverbs 16:24

This may not be so kind: How can the Church, Pastors and all Christians, the Governor and Legislature of New Mexico  sit still for this???? If you are not from New Mexico, like most CUP readers, I pray this does not come to a city near you! I know I sent you a news alert on this story, but it needs to be brought to your attention again, and I am asking you to share it with you Pastor whether you live in New Mexico or not! Show your Pastor first hand what is going on at our Universities and what we are doing to our children! This is of the depraved mind. The mind of the natural man is ‘blinded’ 2 Cor. 4:4, “depraved” Romans 1:28, “corrupt”  1: Tim 6:5, and” unspiritual” Col. 2:18. The natural mind thinks from a humanistic, sin-debased viewpoint. The viewpoint of the flesh directs it’s thoughts. What will it take for Christians to raise Holy cane about this activity?  I am getting wore out by lazy Christians. FGGAM has pledged to our Lord we will stand in the gap on issues like this, no matter what! Shame on the University of New Mexico, I cannot and will not support this institution until they return to God and also stop aborting babies at their clinic, Tara Shaver has done an update on the abortion clinic:

Lobos of Death: A Look at the Radical Abortion Agenda at the University of New Mexico

Come on Christians in New Mexico get with it! New Mexico will continue to struggle as a state as long as it continues to sin in these ways. It’s not right to please satan.

Does the University of New Mexico and the citizens of New Mexico have such short memories??? This is the same University that just went through a tragic hazing situation with it’s women’s soccer team! Forced nakedness, alcohol abuse etc………..


We are not going to let go of these issues until God tells us to………….

Call To Action: UNM Pushes Depraved Sex Agenda

Now another matter that needs out prayers is this awful mess………please pray, here is an update:

Chuck Smith Jr. Responds Strongly Against Family Lawsuit

Pleaase also read and share these posts with family and friends! You will bless us! Amen!

Thank You Lord For My New Little Pumpkin

Night to Honor Israel Coming to Belen, New Mexico

Kelly’s Word For The Day~ Faith is Being SureDewey Tan 1For God’s Glory alone in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey, Sharon, Family and FGGAM Team

Let us keep praying for each other and our families and friends

And all of God’s People said, AMEN!

Picture of above is much appreciated! From Tan Tian Photoshop in Malaysia

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