Friends of FGGAM: By Faith Abraham Obeyed When He Was Called…….


We love to share mail we have received from friends, we have asked you all to share on how FGGAM has touched your life, for God’s Glory Alone, as we celebrate 2 years of service to our Lord on Sept. 1st. If you would like to share with us please send us an email from this site. God Bless you and yours. I am pictured here with my mentor Pastor Leonard Navarre who was by my side when we made the decision to follow God into For God’s Glory Alone Ministries 2 years ago. Leonard and his wife Diana, and all the folks at Valley View Christian Church have been such a blessing to me and Sharon and the kids. We cannot begin to thank them for all they have done and are doing! This is a picture of the KKIM 40th Anniversary gathering, over two years ago now, where Leonard was recognized for being salt and light to the world. I will be ever so grateful for my time of growing in the Lord at KKIM radio! dewey and leonard

In Hebrews 11:8 the Bible says, “By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to a place that he was to receive an inheritance.  And he went out, not knowing where he was going”.  So was the call of faith upon the life of Brother Dewey and Sharon Moede.  As “For God’s Glory Alone Ministries” celebrates her 2nd birthday we are reminded of the leap of faith that Brother Dewey embarked as God put the call on Brother Dewey for ministry.  In the above verse two thoughts.  First, “BY FAITH”.  Someone once said “if you can see it, it’s not faith”.  Little did Brother Dewey and the team at FGGAM see what God had in store for this tiny (in our eyes) ministry, but huge in the lives of those it has impacted.  Countless hundreds of lives have been touched, impacted and influenced by FGGAM.  Only heaven knows that impact and influence.  Second, “HE WENT OUT, NOT KNOWING WHERE HE WAS GOING”.  Little did this ministry realize that it would touch folks around the world for the Lord Jesus Christ.  Leaving a full time (note: paying job) to embark on “not knowing” is a HUGE leap of faith.  But Brother Dewey and Sharon stepped out in that faith and God has blessed and honored that leap of faith far beyond their dreams.  The journey has not always been smooth.  But God has never failed to show His love, purpose and direction for FGGAM.  So, let us congratulate FGGAM and Brother Dewey on this 2nd birthday.  But, may we also continue to faithfully pray, give financial support and share encouragement to Brother Dewey and FGGAM as they continue to carry the banner of love, grace and forgiveness of our Lord Jesus Christ to hundreds.  So, I say, HAPPY BIRTHDAY FGGAM.  May God continue to richly bless the ministry of FGGAM.   FOR GOD’S GLORY ALONE!


Leonard Navarre
Associate Pastor

Licensed and Certified Church Consultant

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