Fears Arise With New President of Turkey


Erdogan (Illustrative)Reccep Tayyip Erdogan was elected President of Turkey on Sunday after more than a decade as Prime Minister. The election raised fears among Erdogan’s opponents that his real aim is to become the dictator of Turkey, following many attempts in recent years to concentrate power into the office of chief executive. “Today is a new day, a milestone for Turkey, the birthday of Turkey, of its rebirth from the ashes,” Erdogan told supporters from the balcony of his ruling AK Party headquarters in Ankara. He added that he aims for a “period of reconciliation” and vehemently denied that he has dictatorial ambitions. Meanwhile, Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, who has often echoed Erdogan’s fierce criticism of Israel, is seen as a leading candidate to replace him as Prime Minister. Read More

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