The Word for the Day: The purpose of pain


 CharlesStanley143x200The Purpose of Pain by Dr. Charles Stanley

Read | Matthew 16:24-27

“God, if You love me, then why must I endure pain?” This question preoccupies many believers in their darkest hours of need. While pain takes different forms and has different durations, suffering always comes with an objective greater than our comfort, pleasure, or personal goals. If we seek the Lord’s purpose for grief, we will find both His peace and His deep love for us.

Pain instructs. Christ’s sufficiency is more apparent during times of suffering than in the midst of blessing. Discovering God’s faithful provision strengthens our resolve to endure.

Pain purifies. Counterfeit faith cannot withstand hardship’s flames. Like gold in a refiner’s fire, suffering believers experience the burning away of impurities until only things of value remain. Trials bring into focus the truth about the world we live in, the nature of people we meet, and the incomparable worth of our Father.

Pain motivates. Pain drives us to God. How often do we hear testimony from people who discovered Him during their worst trial? In His wisdom, the Lord knows whether we require motivation from blessing or from distress.

Pain opens us to intimacy with God. At the end of our own resources is the Lord’s boundless strength. Running into His arms guarantees us the comfort and energy that is available only through an intimate relationship with the Father.

Living an easy life doesn’t earn rewards. Though our instinct is to sidestep pain, suffering helps us to find intimacy with God and the great purpose He sets for our life.

Pastor Dewey Note: I have been blessed so much by the teachings of Dr. Stanley. I consider him the best Bible teacher in the World! Amen! I have had the blessing of meeting him twice!

For more from Dr. Stanley click here:


  1. Very moving and oh my, so powerful & true !!! Having been through the heart attacks, strokes, surgeries almost too numerous to count, major lung surgery and now, stage 4 cancer, I can identify with this article whole heartedly and reading the referenced Matthew 16:24-27 only makes it ring truer !!! Directly facing the possibility of being called home and suffering through the consequences of cancer, chemo and radiation I now fully understand “Pain purifies” as stated above. I would only add that I am amazed daily by how much more I love & appreciate all the WONDERFUL things GOD has given me in life such as my precious wife & family to enjoy until that time !!! Thank You Pastor. rick stambaugh, U.S. Navy Retired

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