Windom’s NM son answers God’s call for His ‘Glory Alone’


Year-old ‘For God’s Glory Alone Ministries’ is exciting venture for Windom native Dewey Moede.

By Dave Fjeld
deweytodayWhen Dewey Moede became general manager of the Albuquerque, N.M., Christian radio station KKIM, he was no doubt fully prepared for that being his last stop in the work-a-day world before unofficial retirement (“retirement” is a word that likely is not in his vocabulary).
But as Moede, a 1974 graduate of Windom Area High School, has discovered all too often, God can change those plans.
And Moede has always tried to answer his Maker’s call.
So, a year ago, acting on faith, Moede left his job at KKIM and set out to start “For God’s Glory Alone Ministries.” For those who know Moede and are faithful readers of his daily blog, “Dewey’s Daily Cup,” the phrase “for God’s glory alone” regularly props up in his posts.
“It’s all about God,” Moede says.
And that’s what For God’s Glory Alone Ministries (FGGAM) is all about. Actually, it’s many things and more things than Moede ever imagined when he created the fledgling nonprofit organization.
“The model for God’s Glory Alone Ministries is bringing the light of Jesus Christ to the world one person at a time,” Moede explains.
“In the last three months, the Lord has me counseling people, which is becoming a bigger part of the ministry than what I initially thought. I’m actually doing more counseling than preaching.”
That counseling has been to people who perhaps are embarrassed to go to their own pastor with their problem, or people who don’t attend a church, and some who are seeking God and discover FGGAM. However, Moede believes in the power of a church body and quickly tries to connect, or reconnect, the person with a church and pastor and, if necessary, have them seek further counseling.
“I thank the Lord that He has made us available to these people, to let them unload on us and have us help them and we’ll pray with them,” Moede says. “So, we try to be a bridge; FGGAM is a bridge for God.”
Moede says he’s doing two things through his ministry, two things that he says everyone needs to do: be obedient to God and be consistent with that obedience.
“When we are obedient and consistent, God covers us in His favor and we must not walk out of that favor. We must not turn to the left or the right and we must always have our ears in tune to God’s ways,” Moede says.
Meanwhile, Moede’s wife, Sharon, has been doing more speaking and teaching in addition to her duties at the Presbyterian healthcare system in Albuquerque.
“When she speaks to different departments and people, the reports always come back that the departments’ efficiency and morale go up,” Moede says.
“I couldn’t do this without Sharon. If a man doesn’t have his wife with him on a mission, the man is going to fail. And my wife is with me and I’m with her. That relationship is the most vital one next to the relationship with God.”
Getting its start
The notion of FGGAM began in May 2012 after Moede had a conversation with a man he considers his earthly spiritual father, Pastor Larry Moss.
“What he told me was, ‘God does not want you concerned with the day-to-day operations of a radio station. He wants you out preaching the Word,’  ” Moede recalls. “Shortly thereafter I had two or three other people tell me that God had told them the same thing. And you have to listen when Godly people speak to you because God does speak to us through other people.”
Although Moede initially drug his feet, on Sept. 1, FGGAM was born. It was a major step of faith, especially when he told his wife that he was going to leave a regular paycheck for full-time ministry and no paycheck.
“That’s where our faith comes in and this calling from God has not made our marriage weaker, it’s made it stronger,” Moede contends.
But Moede believes that the changes that happened in his life while at KKIM set him up for this new venture. While at KKIM, he became a pastor, began preaching, started counseling others and also started a weekly TV program. It was all part of his desire to follow God’s Great Commission — to go and preach and teach the Word.
Moede continues to do his regular radio and TV programs, but has also created, a Christian web site for news and inspiration, which in June had its 20,000th visitor since its launch on Feb. 1. The site has had visits from all over the world. In fact, behind the U.S., the country with the second most visits to the site is Great Britain followed by India.
“When one of those 20,000 people come to the web site they get a taste of Jesus, even if it’s only for 60 seconds,” Moede contends. “And there’s that old saying that ‘We may be the only Bible some will ever see before they come to Jesus.’  ”
Moede also credits Pastor Paul Holt, a Baptist preacher in Magdalena, N.M., who helped launch the site and continues to assist Moede with its operation.
Making a difference
And the ministry is making a difference. Shortly after FGGAM got up and running, Moede met a man at a convenience store he frequents, who was thin and obviously not in good health. Moede invited him to a church at which he was preaching that Sunday.
windomThe man and his wife accepted the invitation, were touched by Moede’s message and became connected to the church and the church’s pastor, Marty Cooper. Today, they are members of that church.
“They came back to God and now he’s on fire for God. That’s the mission God has given me, to bring people to Christ or bring them back into the body of Christ and let them be light,” Moede says.
FGGAM does not have a staff although Moede does have volunteers, like Pastor Holt, who help with the ministry.
It also has a seven person board of directors and is supported solely by love offerings.
“God never orders anything unless he’s already paid for it,” Dewey says. “So, you go on faith every day.
Moede says this venture also has helped him reconnect with people from Windom as well as his high school classmates scattered throughout the U.S. In fact, he chokes up when he thinks back to his hometown, which helped him build a firm foundation in God. He says the lessons he learned from his Sunday School and school teachers are what built that foundation and he believes that’s what is lacking in America today.
“It’s part of our Godly duty to show the world how important are those roots, families, moms and dads, and communities. That’s where the foundation of our lives is built — where we’re born and the families we’re born into. Today, that’s being ripped apart. So many families don’t have a mother or dad present, the children are being raised by grandparents,” Dewey says. “That’s why anything and everything about Windom is very, very special to me.”
The future
What’s the future for FGGAM?
“All I can tell you is what God has shown me and that is to keep going and doing what we’re doing. The plan will unfold as God unfolds it,” he says.


  1. I am thrilled and so grateful to God for moving by His Spirit to build in this part of the Vineyard. Truly, all He needs are willing and available vessels who walk in His love and integrity.

    Congratulations, Pastor Dewey and Sharon! Carry on!

    Love and shalom,

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