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KDAZ Radio’s Birga Alden: Thoughts on Abortion Protesting

birga 2Personal thoughts on Abortion Protesting by Birga Alden

First off, let me say that these are my (Birga) personal thoughts and not expressed on behalf of “us” as a Morning Show team, or on behalf of the station. These are just some personal ponderings.

For the last few weeks, I’ve felt a great deal of conflict in my heart when I hear about/see abortion protests that have taken place in front of a private residence. I do not doubt the passion and conviction of those who feel the call to stand and raise awareness of the horrors of abortion. I applaud their zeal to protect the life of the unborn.

I do however, question the effectiveness of enacting a change of heart through these means. If an abortion doctor and his/her family feels “attacked”, is it not a natural human response to attack back? At least I would imagine a response of hatred or vengeance could be expected.

If the end goal is to sway a doctor, nurse or staff member who works at an abortion clinic to have a change of heart and mind, doesn’t the best chance come through a Spirit transformation? When that individual gets the opportunity to feel the love of Christ, expressed through the body of Christ, would that not begin the process of a life transformed?

Then the question was asked, “Would you feel the same way about the Holocaust?” This is where my personal conflict enters in. If we lived in the Nazi era and I heard of a group of protesters in front of the home of a Death Camp director, would it bother me? Probably not. Yet . . .

I celebrate the Constitutional freedoms that we have been given; to gather and protest and voice our opinions. And protests have been effective! Many Americans have no doubt had their eyes opened by the graphic images and shocking truth displayed in anti-abortion rallies.

During the Holocaust, much of the world turned a blind eye, was ignorant to, or simply overwhelmed by the magnitude of the evil being carried out. Had there been protesters with graphic signs gathered throughout global communities, would the nations have taken action sooner, after the outrage of its people demanded it? I would hope so.

There is a time and place for public displays of protest and even righteous anger. It may even be effective in leading the way for a changed policy or government involvement. But I would guess that it seldom leads to the heart change of an individual.

The most effective tool that we have as believers in Christ is our personal testimony. What He has done to change our lives. How He has set us free from sin and shame. How He loves us despite our mistakes. How He forgives! I would doubt that this tender transaction could be communicated effectively in protest form.

Please hear my heart—I have such respect for those who stand for life and are working to see the end of abortion! I’m so hesitant to even publish this because I’m afraid it will be used for one-liners or as fuel for those who may attack my position.

I don’t have the answers—I probably have more questions than anything. In wanting to have a civil, respectful and Christ like debate, I thought it important to put my thoughts on “paper”.

I pray for those of you that are standing on the front lines. I pray too, for those that are ensnared in the abortion industry, believing the lie that they are somehow providing a helpful service to women.

If I don’t join you in the picket line, it isn’t necessarily because I disagree with the message. It just isn’t what I’ve been called to do. I may however join you in the quest to spread the truth of the sanctity of life when my very angry, pro-“choice” friend wants to have a one-on-one talk.

I believe in life–from conception to natural death. Yet, these years we will spend on planet Earth are brief. We will all live eternally after taking our last breath here. The question is; will we be breathing smoke, or Glory? My heart yearns to share the hope of heaven with those who have been placed in my path.

Should I be doing what I can to make a difference in there here and now? Absolutely! I guess the question that is ultimately up for debate is: How?

Birga and morning show partner Dan Rosecrans will be talking about this in the 8am hour of their show Tuesday morning on KDAZ AM730, in Albuquerque, tune in! Join the discussion.

Also read this story on Protests in Bernalillo County:

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