Funeral Arrangements for Lynn Nagorske



Many people have asked about the funeral of my classmate Lynn. I am posting this for all the inquires we are getting and also asking you to pray for the family. This is from the Mpls Star/Trib

I also invite you to read the tribute I wrote about Lynn:

God Bless you all, God Bless the memory of Lynn!


Nagorske, Lynn A. age 56, of Orono, formerly of Windom, passed away peacefully surrounded by family on Wednesday, May 8, 2013. Memorial service Tuesday, May 14, 5 PM with visitation starting at 3 PM at Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, 5005 Northwest Blvd., Plymouth, MN. Memorials preferred to Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church or the “Lynn and Pam Nagorske Scholarship Fund” benefiting students at the Carlson School of Management, c/o University of Minnesota Foundation, 200 Oak St. SE, Ste. 500, Minneapolis, MN 55455-2010. Robbinsdale Chapel 763-537-2333

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