Resurrection Day: Triumph!

Apr 20, 2014

Resurrection Day: Triumph!

Read | 2 Corinthians 4:14-18

Today is a very special day. Across the globe, young and old alike are wearing their finest clothes, attending church, and sharing delicious meals with loved ones. But Easter is so much more than festivities and traditions. If we truly understood all that was accomplished on Resurrection Day, we’d be the most thankful and triumphant people around. How do I know? By looking at Christ’s disciples—the original witnesses of Jesus’ most astounding miracle. When they finally believed that Jesus was alive, everything changed: those doubting and hopeless men were transformed into passionate preachers of Christianity.

Wouldn’t you like to live with that same confidence and unstoppable resolve? You can—by considering what Christ’s resurrection achieved and then letting that reality become foundational to all you think, say, and do. Start by reflecting on three remarkable truths:

First, Jesus is alive and active, not only in heaven, but in our lives. He sits at the Father’s right hand and intercedes for us (Rom. 8:34)—none could be more qualified than the God-man, who personally experienced human weakness and also knows every detail of our circumstances. What’s more, the Lord is present within us through His indwelling Spirit. His supernatural power (v. 11) is always available to transform our character, strengthen us, provide insight, and guide us into God’s will.

Second, the Lord is completely trustworthy. Because Jesus overcame death just as He predicted, we can know that everything else He said is true as well—and that all God’s promises are sure. These include the certainty that our sins are forgiven if we trust Jesus as Savior. By raising His Son from the dead, God signified that Christ’s sacrifice was sufficient to pay the full penalty for our transgressions.

Third, death is not the end. Rather, it is the beginning of life as God intended—free from sin and all its negative consequences of suffering, sickness, and pain. Jesus’ resurrection guarantees that believers will be raised as well, receiving new bodies that are strong, perfect, and eternal. Furthermore, we’ll have the joy of being reunited with loved ones in Christ and seeing our Savior face to face.

When you understand what Jesus’ resurrection accomplished, there will be no reason to let worldly sorrows and cares drag you into hopelessness (v. 18). From today forward, invest in your eternal future by living in light of the resurrection and faithfully serving the risen Savior.

Charles Stanley


Happy Easter



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