Justice and Peace for Ferguson Missouri


From Merriam Webster:

jus·tice: noun \ˈjəs-təs\ : the process or result of using laws to fairly judge and punish crimes and criminals.
peace: noun \ˈpēs\ : a state in which there is no war or fighting

It has become the clarion call issued by Al Sharpton and others, “No Justice, No Peace”. Following the shooting of 18 year old Michael Brown the attention of our nation and the world has settled on the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson, Missouri and on two words, justice and peace.

Like so many of the protests these days, what are people asking to happen and who is doing the asking?

In an interview on the Today show the mother of Michael Brown, Lesley McSpadden told Matt Lauer that ‘justice will bring peace’. Is this also the view of the protesters gathered in Ferguson, Missouri? Or are other forces at work?

They are being called the “militants” a faction inhabiting the hard-core end of a spectrum that includes online organizers and opportunistic looters — and their numbers have been growing with the severity of their tactics since the shooting.

ISIS FergusonSome of the men are from Ferguson or surrounding towns also defined in part by the gulf separating the mostly white law enforcement agencies from a mistrusting African American public. Many others — it is hard to quantify the percentage — have arrived by bus and by car from Chicago, Detroit, Brooklyn and elsewhere.

They will not give their names. But their leaders say they are ready to fight, some with guns in their hands. “This is not the time for no peace,” said one man, a 27-year-old who made the trip here from Chicago. Despite the double negative, it seems that justice and peace are not the goal.

There have even been signs (literally) of radical Islam rearing it’s ugly head. The Islamic terrorist group ISIS was represented by a sign in the crowd Monday night. While it is doubtful ISIS has placed jihadists on the streets of Ferguson, the sign has prompted many to conclude the protest contains an anti-American Islamist element.

These are the exceptions to the groups gathered in Ferguson, but they are an important element driving the demonstrations. Most of the day is filled with peaceful protests calling for justice. Again I ask what is meant by justice?

If by justice, we hope to find the truth of how Michael Brown died, that is why there is an investigation. But it does not seem this is what the loudest voices are demanding. They seem to be demanding that the police officer, Darren Wilson, be arrested before the investigation is complete.

One reason for this involves the potential civil trial. An arrest all but ensures that the insurance companies involved would settle rather than take the case to court by jury. Cynical? Yes, but true.

True justice and peace will come when all sides desire adherence to the law and the respect for authority. There are two tales being told of what happened the night Michael Brown received six bullets into his 6 foot 4 inch 300 pound body.

brown-robbery-stroeVideo shows that Mr. Brown had earlier robbed a convenience store, taking a packet of cigars while strong arming and intimidating the clerk several times using his large frame to his advantage from there the stories part.

The first and most sympathetic to Brown is described by witnesses as a scuffle between the officer and Brown at the police car before the young man was shot. Several witnesses said Brown raised his hands and was not attacking the officer. This is why some protesters are marching with hands raised, saying ‘hands up, don’t shoot’ while others are saying ‘hands up, shoot back’.

Another account that seems to be consistent with the forensic evidence, describes Michael Brown as having ignored the lawful order of officer Darren Wilson. Wilson was said to have ordered Brown and his robbery accomplice, Dorian Johnson to stop walking in the street.

When Wilson tried to get out of his cruiser, Brown first tried to push the officer back into the car, then punched him in the face and grabbed for his gun before breaking free after the gun went off once.

It has been confirmed that Darren Wilson suffered facial fractures during his confrontation with Brown. Local St. Louis sources said Wilson suffered an “orbital blowout fracture to the eye socket.” This comes from a source within the Prosecuting Attorney’s office and confirmed by the St. Louis County Police.

A blowout fracture is a fracture of one or more of the bones surrounding the eye and is commonly referred to as an orbital floor fracture.

After sustaining such a painful injury Wilson pursued Brown and his friend, ordering them to freeze, according to witnesses, Brown began taunting Wilson, saying he would not arrest them, then ran at the officer at full speed.

Wilson then began shooting. The final shot was to Brown’s forehead, and the teenager fell two or three feet in front of Wilson sustaining the lacerations to his face.

These are the two tales of what happened to Michael Brown. One assumes racism and hatred. The other exposes lawlessness and a contempt for authority.

The second tale is more consistent with the world we all know.

The tragedy of Michael Brown’s death is not the racism of Ferguson, Missouri. It is in the failure of his parents and his community to raise a law abiding adult.

His parents were, for whatever reason, were unable to remain married and instill the character needed to respect the property of others or the local law enforcement officers. His community did not challenge Michael or Dorian Johnson on their lawless behavior previous to this.

Racial ambulance chasers like Sharpton or Jackson, who use the title reverend, should be calling on the community of Ferguson, both white and black, to repent of the wickedness it has brought upon its children. It is time to mourn the deaths of young men not profit from them.

Wickedness such as children being born to single women and left without authority and positive examples in the home. Wickedness such as unchecked drug abuse destroying the minds and bodies of its people. Dependence on the government for food and shelter instead of the industry of men and women and the provision of God.

The time has come to tell the truth of poverty. Godlessness and lawlessness are destroying America of all races.


  1. TRUTH!!!

    The BEST overview of this situation to date…THANK YOU Pastor Paul!!!

    Please read folks…We so need to bring God back into our lives, in our schools, in our society and in our government!!!

  2. Bigotry behind prayer is still Bigotry! I don’t know who you are, and I don’t care, you’ve attacked this child’s parents for what not raising their child right or a couple . We live in a society that shows no respect for people of color, regardless of what you think are say, people of color are sick and tired of white people thinking its okay to falsely imprison our children or shoot them down like animals, which they give more respect to. You wear the cover of reverend, but it will not cover up your racism. You remind me of the low life that released a German Shepard on me and my cousin as we walk home from elementary just for being black. I am so sick of white people justifying the wrongs that they have done with sarcasm and belittling. It still does not make your superior or better. YOU OUGHT TO BE ASHAMED!!! Leave GOD out of your hatred.

  3. G. Singleton I think you may have the wrong post. This post is an objectively written account of what happened. No one is saying that racism is ok. Its not. I am disgusted by racism on all fronts. American’s should work together from all nationalities and walks of life to achieve a more equality loving society.

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