Spiritual Personalities, Part 1 – Sanguine


How do personalities affect our approach to God?

As a Christian Personality Mechanic, I find this topic fascinating and wanted to share some of my observations with you. It may help you understand others, but better yet, it may help you feel more comfortable with who YOU are when it comes to God’s kingdom.

Girl lifting Heart

Sanguine personalities are people people. They tend to be warm, fun, lively, and talkative. People are drawn to them so it isn’t unusual for them to be surrounded by a sea of friends everywhere they go. Their mantra is the “the more the merrier!”  They are talkers and usually have a good or personal adventure to share with anyone who will lend an ear. A Bible verse that meshes well with this vibrant personality is Psalm 32:11: “Celebrate God. Sing together — everyone! All you honest hearts, raise the roof!” (Psalm 32:11 MSG)

View of God

Many of the sanguine person’s emotional needs involve feeling accepted. They tend not to be harsh and, likewise, don’t like it when others are harsh toward them. They view God as the affectionate father . . . much like a endeared “Daddy”. Spiritual sanguines enjoy a close relationship that resembles a child curling up in a parent’s lap. There is nothing more accepting to this personality than that type of closeness with others, even in the spiritual realm. Christian sanguines see Jesus as their best friend . . . someone they can turn to and lean on when their world is not a happy place. He is also someone to rejoice with when all is good. It isn’t unusual to see a sanguine lost in worship while his or her heart is filled with love.

Spiritual Strength

Unconditional acceptance speaks to the heart of a sanguine. They tend to accept others unconditionally and want to be accepted in the same manner. GRACE . . . it’s all about giving and receiving GRACE. Sometimes giving grace to others lands a sanguine in a situation where others take advantage of him or her, but spiritual maturity usually helps this personality learn how to lovingly and practically deal with such situations. Striking a balance with grace keeps that effervescent smile on a sanguine’s face and a song in his/her heart.

“And if He chose them by GRACE, it is not for the things they have done. If they could be made God’s people by what they did, God’s gift of GRACE would not really be a gift” (Romans 11:6 NCV, Emphasis mine)


Sanguine personalities are all about fun, fun, fun. There are many things about Christianity that don’t appeal to this bright, lively person. They are not drawn to believers who look and act too serious. There ARE personalities who take a serious approach  to spiritual things, but it usually isn’t the enthusiastic sanguine. This sometimes causes sanguine people to appear irreverent and it isn’t always easy for them to dig deep into God’s Word. They tend to be free spirits and it can be hard to see the ultimate freedom Jesus offers in the guidelines He sets forth for living. A Christian sanguine who is struggling with faith benefits greatly from a seasoned believer who will come along beside them and be their friend. A warm heart, an encouraging word, and unconditional love is just what a sanguine needs to feel Jesus’ love here on earth. If these elements are missing from their Christian walk, they may not move beyond a superficial relationship with God.

A Growing Sanguine Christian

For the sanguine wishing to grow spiritually, here are a few hints:

  • Be involved in a fun Bible study that includes bright lively people. We need to be serious about learning about God, but that doesn’t mean it has to be boring and bog us down with too many details if that isn’t what lights up our hearts. There is nothing wrong with finding a group of  people whose company you enjoy, but DO be sure they are serious about their learning.
  • Find an accountability partner . . . or two or three. Remember, for the sanguine, “the more the merrier.”
  • Don’t give up when the going gets tough. Christianity is not all fun and games, but it IS all about joy when we can stick through the tough times.

I hope this helps understand the sanguine personality’s approach to the God and the Christian life. Next time you are worshiping and see someone with raised arms who is singing loud and, perhaps, with a bit more gusto than you, smile and know that it just may be a sanguine heart full of love for the Lord. Who knows, maybe I’ve just described you! If I have, don’t ever be ashamed of your enthusiasm toward God. You will be one of the ones who really understands and appreciates the worship that will take place when we all meet in heaven.

©2013 Shona Neff

originally published at www.shonaneff.com


  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you….!!

    I could not have enjoyed your delightful words more: I have searched for years, for a “read” just like this…!

    I have often contemplated how the varying personalities of God’s children
    affect their individual, respective personal relationship(s), with Him…

    Obviously, HE knows us far more imtimately, than we could ever know ourselves, and your prose helped to confirm to me, the concept of Christianity in general, and particularly, our relationship(s) as individual followers of Christ, is not
    “one size fits all…!”

    Having been an introvert and a “loner”
    by choice for the majority of my life, it has been difficult at times, for my fellow lovers of the Lord to understand my deep desire for solitude — I know what the Scriptures tell believers about the need for fellowship with the brethren, being accountable to others, and going forth to spread the Good News; however, it has often been
    difficult for me to even venture out, to socialize…!.

    My apologies, for the dissertation-length comment: I really just wanted to say thank you, for an eye-opening, heart-warming, and most encouraging article…! May God bless…!! ;D

  2. Wow, Kimberly…I am humbled by your words. I’m SO glad that you found such affirmation from pondering personalities for so long. They really DO make a difference. This is just one of a series of posts I’m doing for all four personality types. I invite you to visit again next Sunday (or even visit my personality site referenced at the end of the post.) I think you’ll find even MORE valuable information when you read about the introverted personalities and how they approach God :)


    • Awwww, Shona….

      How very much I appreciate your kind and loving response, to me…!

      Thank you for your reply to my post, and I eagerly look forward to reading more of your keen and insightful articles, soon…

      You have a most excited new “fan…!”

      Blessings to you,


      • Kimberly, be sure to watch next Sunday for the next spiritual personality post. There will be two more after that :) I’m always excited to enlighten others with this information, and blessed to have a new fan. That makes me smile.


        • Thank you, dear Shona…

          Having just recently rededicated my life to our beloved Jesus, I am quite
          enthused to learn and to grow in the Grace and the Knowledge of our Lord and Savior: I do believe, with my whole heart, that He guided me to your wise articles, to assist in that endeavor…! ;D

          Looking forward to my “studies,” with great interest and rapt anticipation — thank you once again, dear one…!

          Wishing you God’s Utmost Blessings; and thank you for allowing Him to bless others, through your writing…!


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