Whose Fruit Is It?

Adrian Rogers: How can you grow in faith and produce this fruit? You start by studying the faith. Don’t just read a book, read God’s Word and get to know God for yourself. But you also need to show the faith. Do you know that the best argument for Christianity, and against Christianity, is the life of a Christian?

Pastor Dewey Moede preaching at the Open Door Bible Church in Los Alamos, New Mexico Feb. 4th 2024. Photo From Pastor Paul Anthony Jaramillo, who hosted Pastor Dewey and Sharon Moede
Pastor Adrian Rogers
Adrian in the middle and Dylan on the right from Valvoline Instant Oil Change on Golf Course and Paradise! Took great care our two cars today! Great old fashion service with smiles! Great time of ministry and sharing! I highly recommend their services! Let us all spread the love of Jesus! Also visited the post office! Our young people are the future of the Church!


February 02, 2025

“You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you.”


What’s the mark of a man of God? One primary piece of evidence is that plenty of people out there know Jesus because of him. Those people will be loving Jesus. They will be “fruit,” and that fruit will remain.

We learn in Galatians 5:22-23 that “the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, [and] self-control.” But the tricky part is, I can’t produce that fruit, and you can’t produce that fruit. If we’ll abide in Jesus, we’ll bear that fruit. Because it is the fruit of the Spirit; it’s not our fruit.

How can you grow in faith and produce this fruit? You start by studying the faith. Don’t just read a book, read God’s Word and get to know God for yourself. But you also need to show the faith. Do you know that the best argument for Christianity, and against Christianity, is the life of a Christian? Then, you’ll need to support the faith. Many good people are in bad churches, so get in a Bible-preaching church. I’m not saying there is only one good church, and I’m not saying each church doesn’t have a lot of room for improvement, but you need to support the faith. When you stop hearing the Bible preached and seeing the Gospel lived out and the love of God displayed in your church, it is time to walk away. Finally, share the faith. People are waiting to know Jesus, to know the truth. We know the truth, and rather than keeping it to ourselves, we need to share it. By the grace of God, not because of anything we’ve done, we can share the faith.

  • What have been the most challenging parts of growing in your faith?
  • What are some things you need to ask God to grow in your faith?


Encourage a friend by mentioning the strengths you have seen in his or her faith and ask your friend to pray for you to grow in your faith.

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90 Seconds

of Profound Truth

“Our job is not to be successful; our job is to be faithful.”


Adrian Rogers


Love Worth Finding with Adrian Rogers

Love Worth Finding
2941 Kate Bond Rd
Memphis TN 38183

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