Is God Drawing You Closer?
Good morning beautiful people, good morning. I sit in the quietness of the morning that leads into a full and busy day. Life a gift from God himself to enjoy. To live, to love, to enjoy all because of his great love for us. He works all things out for good, according to his plan. (Romans 8:28) He is a Good Father, the kind of Father that wants the best for everyone. That alone brings peace on this rather chilly Maine morning.
There are times we don’t know what to do. Decisions that need to be made and we need to look to the one that knows everything from the number of hairs on our heads to our next chapter in life. He is the lover of our soul. Draw close this morning and he will draw close to you. (James 4:8)
God’s Word tells us he orders our footsteps. I remember hearing the words Atlanta, Georgia in a time of prayer. I began to pray for the people of Atlanta as that was all I knew to do. Then the Magazine (Charisma) came in the mail. The cover was inviting for a Threshing Floor Conference at the dome with Juanita Bynum in Atlanta, Georgia. I knew I was to be in attendance, as I felt the draw. God is always speaking; he is always drawing us closer. Are you ready? Let’s thank him today for drawing us all closer this morning. It’s all because of his great love. Listen for his voice beautiful people. God is always speaking. Let’s give him full control of our lives today. Amen?
Let’s Pray:
Father, this morning we surrender once again to the plan you have for our lives. Draw us all closer Good Father. One word from you changes everything. When you speak, oh God, things turn around. You are as close as our next breath. In a moments time, everything changes when we put you in charge.
Father, your Word tells us it’s not by might, nor by power but by your spirit. (Zechariah 4:6) Spirit of God draw us, draw us all closer this morning. It’s all because of your great love, grace and mercy towards mankind. We give you thanks. Amen.
Have a blessed day God’s most beautiful people. Pray continually (1 Thessalonians 5:17)
The threshing floors will be full of grain, and the vats will overflow with the new wine and oil. (Joel 2:24)