Crime is way out of control not only in Albuquerque/Rio Rancho, but in the entire state. This news just in: Man injured after shooting incident with law enforcement agencies near Grants
Many people here in New Mexico never give their children a chance to live a godly life. For heaven’s sake, New Mexico kills so many of God’s babies through abortion. The state is very sick.
So many families have been ripped apart by Satan. So many children in New Mexico never have the opportunity to go to Sunday school and be baptized. These precious souls never are given the opportunity to live a wonderful life, they grow up with no godly role models. The Church here is failing to reach many.
Juvenile crime is way, way out of control. EVIL is raging in New Mexico.
KOAT TV Reports: Bernalillo County’s juvenile detention center is facing maximum capacity.
Tara Marcantel, the director of the Bernalillo County Youth Service Center, said 68 out of 78 beds are filled. District Attorney Sam Bregman said he’s working on legislative bills to help with teen crime. More Here
To make matters more worse than ever, we have the biggest Law Enforcement Scandal ever in New Mexico: More Here
You can pass all the laws you want, but of hearts are not given to JESUS, you will get the same evil.
Please watch this video below with Tony Perkins and George Barna: Raising Spiritual Champions.