Why California Wildfires Could Spike Already-High Wyoming Insurance Rates. Other States Could See Increases.

The cost of living in America continues to increase and the federal deficit is soaring.


I noticed on Facebook this week that some folks were posting that their homeowners insurance rates had increased in Catron County in New Mexico. The threat of wildfires are always a danger in New Mexico and surrounding states. New Mexico sure has had more than its share of fires and floods. My home state of Minnesota has suffered devasting flooding in the past year. Much of America has suffered disasters this past year. The ongoing wildfires in California are so very tragic and hurricane Helene in North Carolina was devasting, recovery will take years. The cost of living in America continues to increase, and the federal deficit is soaring.

The following report is from our friends at Cowboy State Daily.

Renée Jean

Wyoming wallets have been on fire when it comes to homeowner’s Insurance rates, with customers reporting their rates doubling and tripling in the Cowboy State, even for longtime customers.

Devastating wildfires this past season that burned more than 850,000 acres in Wyoming didn’t help, either. More Here

The federal government ran a deficit of $1.8 trillion in fiscal year 2024, $138 billion (8%) more than in FY2023.

The cost of living in the United States in 2024 has continued to increase, though inflation is slowing downThe cost of living varies by location, with the most expensive areas being the Northeast, West Coast, Hawaii, and Alaska. The least expensive areas are the Midwest and Southern states. 

Cost of living factors
    • ShelterThe cost of shelter increased by 5.2% from June 2023 to June 2024. 
    • Home insuranceHome insurance premiums have been increasing, averaging $2,230 in July 2024. 
    • Household goodsPrices for household goods remain higher than 2020-2021 levels. 
  • EnergyPrices for energy remain higher than 2020-2021 levels.
  • As of the third quarter of 2024, the median price of a home in the United States was $420,400. This is a 25% increase from the third quarter of 2020.

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Helene Recovery

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