The Bells Are Ringing Over America Once Again… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


The Bells Are Ringing Over America Once Again…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. I know it is well beyond morning here in Maine, but I have traveled most of the day, returning from an event at SeaWorld. I have been praying in the skies from Florida to New York back to my hometown in Maine today.

A new President was sworn in, we celebrated Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday today as things change in America. We need to continue to pray. Pray for America, pray for our President and pray for God himself to set all his beautiful people free.

God’s Word tells us the earth is his and all the people in it. (Psalm 24) He desires his beautiful people to live life and live it more abundantly. (John 10:10) He wants his people to live free and free indeed. (John 8:36) Sounds like we are off to a good start for 2025.

Ring your freedom bell today for America and ring your bell for every person that they too will walk in the freedom that Christ paid to set us free. If you need freedom just ask him to set it up. God loves all his beautiful people. He wants you to live in freedom. Free in him.

Let’s Pray:

Father, thank you that the bells are ringing once again in the United States Of America. Let them never stop ringing again, we pray.

Father, may there truly be life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all, we pray. Amen.

Have a blessed day God’s most beautiful people. Thank God for your freedom today!


  1. Amen, Angel! And, thank you for taking the time today to bring us godly exhortation and speaking blessing – despite a long day of travel!

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