Thank you Dewey and Sharon! We love you both!
The American Church is divided, as is the entire country! It is only going to get worse. I encourage you to read our Biblical Worldview news every day, as we are all sold out to JESUS, not politics! Only by the grace of God I can continue to preach and report news from a Biblical Worldview. I am now a minority in my own country!
It is getting very tough in America. I never thought I would see my country so divided. Lord have mercy. Thank you, Lord, for the strength. Thank you, Lord, for my beloved wife Sharon, our adult children, grandchildren and my mentors. The division in the American Church is caused by Satan; only he could create such division.
This event at the Washington National Cathedral is a prime example what has torn down the American Church. Can anybody hear George Barna? Can anyone hear me? My goodness, Pastors and congregants wake up! ONLY 4% of Americans have a Biblical Worldview! Just 37% of Americans have a Biblical Worldview! Public trust in Pastors continues to decline. What do you expect????? Reporting of church attendance by denominations and traditions of all stripes show the lowest Church attendance rates never before seen in America’s history.
THE CHURCH IS FAILING! THE CHURCH IS BEING TORN APART! Please invite your Pastor to read all the research we post about the challenges of the American Church. We are at a very dangerous point here in America. I have said for years that the greatest failure of the modern day Church is its failure to carry out The Great Commission.
My daddy, a WWII sergeant in the U.S. Marines, and part of the greatest generation ever, always told me that “when you are having problems, son, look in the mirror!” Pastors look in the mirror! Everybody look in the mirror! 89-year-old Pastor Claude Cone, who was the head of the Southern Baptist Convention for years, gave me a book yesterday at our meeting that was written by one of Billy Graham’s friends, Stephen F. Olford, titled “Not I But Christ.” I have have sought out Pastor Cone the last three months, as this has been a very challenging time for me as a Pastor and news reporter.
I have never seen the Church or my country in such bad shape. Too many Pastors and congregants have made it all about themselves! Ranting and raving on social media and going way off a Biblical Worldview, chasing people away from the Church. Sharon and I know; we hear it all the time from people as we carry out The Great Commission!
God and Pastor Cone reenergized me yesterday! PTL!!! I look forward to my next meeting with Pastor Cone.
Please watch the video above.
I believe many Pastors have their blinders on the failure of the American Church!
William Wolfe, executive director of the Center for Baptist Leadership and former staffer with the first Trump administration, said that he was “glad this happened” because he believed it was “good that America got to witness what the subversion of the church and our Christian institutions looks like—in all its ugly glory—in live time and on a mass scale.”
The Right Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, has garnered headlines for a sermon she delivered at the Service of Prayer for the Nation at the Washington National Cathedral on Tuesday. More Here
President Trump demands apology from Mariann Budde after inaugural prayer service sermon
Back to Chaos: Trump pardons nearly all Jan. 6 defendants on inauguration day
The mission of the Church, is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ by making disciples, teaching them to follow his commands, and serving others through acts of love and compassion, often summarized by the “Great Commission” to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature; essentially, to worship God, equip believers, and minister to unbelievers by sharing the gospel with them. FGGAM is a Great Commission Ministry, shining the light of JESUS to one person at a time.
It is very important that you and I have godly mentors. I posted this on Facebook this morning:
God has blessed me with many mentors over my lifetime. I thank my Lord for bringing me such wonderful friends to help guide me over the years. Yesterday, I had lunch with Pastor Claude Cone of Albuquerque. We had about a two hour lunch of covering so many subjects. These are very challenging times for us all. Pastor Claude was the head of the NM Baptist Convention for years. At the age of 89 he is still preaching and helping guide people like me.
I pray that you have more than a handful of people that are helping you in your walk with Jesus. Pastor Claude stressed to me we must show mercy to people. We must love like Jesus. Pastor Claude gave me the book below. It is written by one of Billy Graham’s friends. The author is Stephen F, Olford. Billy says in the forward of the book that he first heard Mr. Oflord preach in 1946. Billy states, “No reader can ponder its truth without being challenged and changed.”
We live in very, very challenging times. We see falling Church attendance and the trust of Pastors is also falling. Gallup and Barna Research. We must show mercy. We must shine the light of Jesus more than ever. Glory to God in the Highest! FGGAM.ORG. Reach out to those that years of experience preaching. You will learn much. Surround yourself with people of godly wisdom with Biblical solutions, not political solutions to all of our problems. Pastor Claude inspired me so very much yesterday, just like he always does. Hallelujah!