We will continue to pray for Justin’s family and friends and all of our Law Enforcement heroes. There is no safe call for them anymore, not even a traffic stop, not even a call for help. They never know what they are going to come up against. We must pray and encourage others to pray for them and their families and share how dangerous their work has become. Share Jesus with all!

The photo of all the New Mexico State Police Officers standing in support of Justin Hare’s Mom and Dad is a picture of a thousand words of love.
The image of the funeral service for Officer Justin Hare is still in my mind. It will be forever. I watched the service on the internet. March 28th 2024. New Mexico Honors the Life of State Police Officer Justin Hare. I still mourn for him and his family. I heard the testimonies about Officer Hare’s life. Justin loved people, he served people in so many ways. I try to serve people better everyday in memory of Justin and all the people in the world who serve God’s people in mighty, mighty ways. Sharon and I will continue to pray for Justin’s family and all Law Enforcement Officers and their families.
I am very thankful for the reporting ABQ RAW! I have been in news reporting for many years. I got my start at the Minnesota State News Network back in 1978. I know good news reporting when I see it! I encourage you to subscribe to their emails. ABQ RAW is brining many in-depth stories to the people of New Mexico, news you need to know.
ABQ RAW Reports
On March 13th, 2024, New Mexico State Police Officer Justin Hare was brutally murdered by convicted felony Jaremy Smith, of South Carolina. The killing of Officer Hare set off a massive multi-state manhunt for Smith. Smith was captured in Albuquerque, N.M. and faced federal charges for the death of Officer Hare.
On January 17th, 2025, a sea of grey and black New Mexico State uniforms packed the courtroom of U.S. District Judge James Browning for the change of plea hearing for cop and paramedic killer Jaremy Smith. The State Police officers were there to support Officer Hare’s family as Smith sat in the courtroom.
Smith was heavily shackled with a yellow jump suit with “NEW MEXICO CORRECTIONS DEPARTMENT” written on the back. Smith pleaded guilty today to multiple federal charges in a plea agreement that will result in a federal sentence of life without the possibility of parole. More Here
Never forget New Mexico!
We are a very sick state, in the ER at this time……..