Sanctity of Human Life Sunday-January 19, 2025. January 19, 2025 is National Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. Churches around the country observe Sanctity of Human Life Sunday to celebrate God’s gift of life, commemorate the many lives lost to abortion, and to commit themselves to protecting human life at every stage.
There will be a Prayer Rally and Memorial for the Unborn on January 25 beginning at noon at Church of the Ascension Catholic Church, 2150 Raymac Rd SW, Albuquerque.
No March for Life in Santa Fe, but the Sanctity of Life Mass, Prayer Rally, and Speeches will be held on Tuesday January 28th in Santa Fe…
Please join Archbishop John C. Wester, Deacon Pat Sena, the Knights of Columbus, and New Mexico Pro-Life leaders for the Sanctity of Life Day in Santa Fe on Tuesday, January 28th …
- 12:00 PM – Mass at Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church in Santa Fe
- 2:00 PM – Prayer Rally outside at the SE quadrant of the Roundhouse
- 2:30 PM – Speeches inside the Roundhouse by Pro-Life Representatives
Many lives can be saved when we pray and witness for Life in 2025!!!
This information was given to us by my Dear friend Betty at New Mexico Right to Life.
Francis Shaeffer said, “Every abortion clinic should have a sign in front of it saying, ‘open by the permission of the church.’”