Evil Roams Day and Night. PRAY TEAM JESUS! Albuquerque Police Officer Shot and Injured, Suspect Killed in NE ABQ

Pray with me and Sharon for the recovery of the Police officer who was shot. We get reports on our neighborhood watch/ring camera almost everyday of thugs roaming around checking cars doors and even coming up to the front door of some houses. Evil roams day and night here. “Jesus has life; you have existence. You don’t have life until you know the Lord Jesus Christ.” Adrian Rogers.


Albuquerque is a very dangerous place to live. Evil is rampant. We are so blessed that men and women want to serve as Police Officers here. I also thank my Lord for all of the firefighters and EMT’S. We get reports on our neighborhood watch/ring camera almost everyday of thugs roaming around checking cars doors and even coming up to the front door of some houses. Evil roams day and night here.

Pray with me and Sharon for the recovery of the Police officer who was shot.

ABQ RAW Reports

In a statement released from the Albuquerque Police Department’s PIO on January 24, 2025, it was announced that an APD officer was shot and injured overnight during an exchange of gunfire with a suspect at a Northeast Heights apartment complex. The call for service purportedly began as a possible home invasion call. APD has said that the officer is conscious and expected to be okay. He has been transported to a nearby hospital for medical evaluation and treatment.

The suspect was shot and died at the scene of the apartment complex, which is located at 3958 Montgomery Blvd. NE, just east of Carlisle Blvd. More Here

WHY SO MUCH EVIL??? Don’t just “play church.” Take action.

“So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking. They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts” Eph 4: 17, 18.

The Scriptures call the mind of the natural man “blinded” 2 Cor. 4:4, “depraved” Romans 1:28, “corrupt” 1 Tim. 6:5, and “unspiritual” Col. 2:18. The natural mind thinks from a humanistic, sin-debased viewpoint. The viewpoint of the flesh directs its thoughts. The sinful mind is under the control of Satan and can never please God because it concentrates on things of the world and not things of the Spirit. The natural mind walks the road of hopelessness and self-destruction.

Do you carry out The Great Commission?

The world needs JESUS! Are you carrying out the Great Commission daily in your community? Or do you work for the sit-more-do-little church? 3 Things You Can Do Today to Carry Out the Great Commission

Just 4% of Americans have a Biblical Worldview! JUST! 37% of Pastors in America have a Biblcial Worldview! Do you not see???? This is why we are going to hell as a country!

What’s a Biblical Worldview?

A biblical worldview is based on the infallible Word of God. When you believe the Bible is entirely true, then you allow it to be the foundation of everything you say and do. That means, for instance, you take seriously the mandate in Romans 13 to honor the governing authorities by researching the candidates and issues, making voting a priority.

Do you have a biblical worldview? Answer the following questions, based on claims found in the Bible and which George Barna used in his survey:

  • Do absolute moral truths exist?
  • Is absolute truth defined by the Bible?
  • Did Jesus Christ live a sinless life?
  • Is God the all-powerful and all-knowing Creator of the universe, and does He still rule it today?
  • Is salvation a gift from God that cannot be earned?
  • Is Satan real?
  • Does a Christian have a responsibility to share his or her faith in Christ with other people?
  • Is the Bible accurate in all of its teachings?

Did you answer yes to these? Only 9 percent of “born- again” believers did. But what’s more important than your yes to these questions is whether your life shows it. Granted, we are all sinners and fall short, but most of our gut reactions will reflect what we deep-down, honest-to-goodness believe to be real and true.

So many Americans have become fools! Foolish and evil behavior is spreading like wildfire all over!

“Jesus has life; you have existence. You don’t have life until you know the Lord Jesus Christ.”

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