‘Pilgrim with the Cross’: Arthur Blessitt ‘Departs to Heaven’ After Taking Jesus to 300+ Countries

In his book The Cross, Arthur Blessitt wrote, "After having carried the cross in every nation, I can say that the world is open to and hungry for the good news of Jesus and the cross. The only problem is that the laborers are few, as Jesus said."

CBN. Photo Courtesy: Facebook via Arthur Blessit

What a testimony! What a life lived for JESUS! I love this statement by Arthur Blessitt: “I can say that the world is open to and hungry for the good news of Jesus and the cross. The only problem is that the laborers are few, as Jesus said.” YES! The workers are few…….to many stay within their walls! LOVE HIS STORY FOR JESUS! It fires me up to do more! Arthur Blessitt lived for JESUS, he was all about JESUS! How about you and I?

CBN Reports

A traveling Christian preacher known for carrying a cross through every nation of the world has died.

Arthur Blessitt “departed to heaven” on Tuesday, according to an announcement on his ministry page.

The 84-year-old is widely recognized for carrying a 12-foot, 45-lb cross over 43,000 miles in over 300 countries.

Blessitt was known internationally as the “Pilgrim with the Cross” and dedicated his life to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

In his book The Cross, Blessitt wrote, “After having carried the cross in every nation, I can say that the world is open to and hungry for the good news of Jesus and the cross. The only problem is that the laborers are few, as Jesus said.” More Here

I want to live for JESUS just like Arthur Blessitt.


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