Many Pastors and Churches are now defined by their political beleifs, rather than being all sold out to God. Many slant their messages toward a political agenda. Church attendance in America continues to drop. Sharon and I hear all the reasons why as we carry out The Great Commission on the streets and byways. Lack of Trust in Pastors Continues to Decline in U.S.
I have been having a problem of sleep and being so sad with all that has been going on in the world the last 8 years. Very distressful. Very stressed at the down fall of Christianity in America. Just 30% of Americans trust Pastors. Just 4% of Americans have a Biblical Worldview. So many Americans have stopped going to church. Lots and lots of sadness. I see no change of behavior in Americans, so much hate. Politics has become a religion for many. My doctor told me to not do any funerals for three months, she stated I have PTSD. I get to do a wedding next month! I have found it hard to turn down funerals, so many seek me out because they do not have a Church. So tragic. Many Pastors will not do funerals for a person that does not belong to their Church, and there are other reasons that I may discuss in the future, some want to be paid. I see so much sadness in families. I am doing a bit better by listening to God, Sharon and our kids more. By the way, people really do not know all what Sharon does here at FGGAM. Sharon always has had a major part of running FGGAM, she sacrificed for years working as an RN to keep us going. Sharon is now retired and we do so much ministry together, THAT MAKES ME SO THRILLED! SO THERE IS ALSO AWESOME NEWS AMONGST THE SAD STUFF FOR SURE! I watched this video by Carey Nieuwhof and I can relate to much of what he says and some things I need to say no to.
God has shown me to start a YouTube Channel and He is showing how I can make that work. I am to use my voice, My God says. I am to sleep in longer, no more 1am to 2am starts to my day. No more going to sleep at 5pm. I now am able to stay awake till 8 to 9pm and sleep until about 3:30 or 4am. More walks with Sharon and also eating better. I also have been meeting with my mentor Pastor Claude Cone and a few others. God is in charge of FGGAM and my life. I am learning to say NO to some requests. God and Sharon are guiding me more than ever, because I am listening better. Just taking time off is not the TRUE FIX, as Carey points out in his video. Saying No is a big fix. Shutting off my phone and computer at night is a big fix and not looking at Facebook so much is a big fix, to much crazy and ugly stuff. One thing America does very well, even Christians, they know how to argue! Lord have mercy!
Carey Nieuwhof: Why is it that when you return from vacation, it’s not long before you’re just as stressed out as you were before you left? Because time off won’t heal you when the problem is how you spend your time on. In this video, I’m going to share why time off will never truly destress you. Plus, I’ll give you three practical things you can do to start living in a manageable, productive, and enjoyable way.