NM Legislative Finance Committee releases nearly $11B budget proposal! How about a Taxpayer Rebate? Property Tax Cut?

Just 4% of America has a Biblcial Worldview! How about New Mexico? I will tell you this now, nothing is going to change in New Mexico unless it comes to JESUS! 


I have only one life to live, I will spend the rest of my life sharing JESUS and commending sin. I am not concerned about popularity. We are not a high school type pep rally ministry. I am not a pep rally type preacher. We do not sell ice cream, we share JESUS. We share a Biblical Worldview.

Of late, I have taken some shots from so called Christians…but I have taken hits all my life standing for JESUS. Paul had his head cut off. He is my hero. If you stand for JESUS in America today, you will take hits. If your not taking any hits, maybe you are not standing strong enough for our LORD! Not enough salt, too much ice cream. I do not answer to fools anymore. You cannot reason with them. Sharon and I stand in the love of JESUS!

New Mexico needs JESUS! I want you to watch this You Tube video of George Barna talking about the downfall of Christianity. Just 4% of America has a Biblicial Worldview!

How about New Mexico? I will tell you this now, nothing is going to change in New Mexico unless it comes to JESUS! I do not sell ice cream, I share JESUS! I stand for my GOD! We do not run a celebrity ministry. We are not Republicans or Democrats; we are people of GOD standing for Biblical principles.

Are the Ten Commandments posted in your Church? Your Home? Do you abide by them? When is the last time you have heard a sermon on the Ten Commandments? Very foolish for anyone to think GOD can bless New Mexico while it kills His babies.

I am so very sick and tired of the Republicans and Democrats in this state! The GOP states that it stands for the people, why then, is there no tax cut for us who help float the boat every year! I am told about 50% of us float the boat and the rest of the population lives on some sort of government program. Do you think we are fools?  How long to you think homeowners on social security, like me and Sharon, can continue to pay rising property taxes?

CUT OUR INCOME TAX! If you care about us taxpayers, CUT OUR TAXES WITH YOUR BILLIONS!!! The Democrats have been lost in space for years, but then again the people here keep electing them and making them the majority. The people reelected the worst governor I have ever seen! What does that tell you about the mindset of the people of this state?

The Church in New Mexico has been compromised by failing to stand for God’s babies and other issues of morality.  People see this and Church attendance is dropping. New Mexico Losing Religion

One more thing that burns in my stomach is that the GOP has back peddled on abortion! SHAME ON YOU ALL!  Even President-elect Trump has backpaddled! SHAME! You all in the legislature have allowed the governor to take tax payer money and build her $10 million abortion factory in Las Cruces! Where are the people of God? New Mexico Needs God

What a mess you all have made. Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham ‘Applauds’ New Mexico Supreme Court’s Decision Striking Down Local Abortion Restrictions

New Mexico Abortion Landscape 2024: Dangerous Trend- Out of State Traffic and Chemical Abortions Expanding Throughout the State

Francis Shaeffer said, “[e]very abortion clinic should have a sign in front of it saying, ‘[o]pen by the permission of the church.'”

The circus begins…

New Mexico Legislative Finance Committee releases nearly $11B budget proposal

I will never understand people watching a state being destroyed by Satan and then say nothing. Just like the DEMS and GOP in this state letting CYFD keep doing the same awful things to many children year after year. Now that is just plain stupid; no, it’s ungodly.

Remember New Mexico and all of America…you can pray all you want, but unless you REPENT and CHANGE YOUR BEHAVIOR nothing will change. That is the biggest problem here in New Mexico and all over America! No change in behavior!

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