LORD HAVE MERCY! BIBLICAL CRISIS! Study shows over 1.1 million New Mexicans are sexual violence survivors

Despite the need for help, 68% of victims of sexual assault and 75% of victims of rape did not seek professional support.



I have lived in New Mexico since 1995. It just gets worse here. I get asked to move back to Minnesota from time to time. God says for us to stay and be a Watchman for Him. Some call me and Sharon missionaries to New Mexico. This state is so full of hardened hearts.

The Church is losing here. It just gets worse and worse. Satan is devouring many. We at FGGAM have a Biblicial Worldview, not a political worldview. The Church in New Mexico – and all over America – has turned too political, thereby losing many people.

For almost 21 years now I have been reporting the news from a Biblical Worldview in New Mexico. I have come to identify many Churches by their political affiliation rather than their connection to JESUS! During the last eight years, many have left the Church because of politics. Shame! JESUS is the answer! Both parties stink to high heaven!


I got sick to my stomach seeing this report by KRQE TV. Where are the people of God? Lord have mercy.

I just wrote a story how I am a desperate Pastor, who sees New Mexico dying. JESUS! JESUS is needed so badly here in New Mexico. I have asked Time to Revive to come here to hold a revival! You have to be spiritually blind if you do not see all the hell that Satan is causing in the state! It’s the ‘same old, same old’ here. Time to Revive! Please Come to Albuquerque! New Mexico is at a Crossroads

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – This is the first time in over 20 years that a study of this nature has been conducted and the results revealed that over 1.1 million New Mexicans have experienced sexual violence. The New Mexico Crime victimization report was conducted from September 2023 through June 2024, with over 1,200 survey responses. More Here

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