HOLY COW! Florida has Minnesota beat for snow this month

According to KARE 11 meteorologist John Zeigler, the Twin Cities has received just 9.8 inches of snow for the entire 2024-25 winter season so far, the same as the amount that Milton, Florida received just this week! The 13.4 inches in Grand Coteau, Louisiana is the same amount that St. Cloud has received for the entire season so far.


My goodness! My home state is Minnesota! Sharon and I were back home in Windom, Minnesota this month and found it very cold, but NO SNOW! Don’t tell me that the weather patterns are not all messed up!

MINNEAPOLIS — Looking to build a snowman or have a snowball fight? You’re better off visiting Florida than the Twin Cities this week!

After a rare winter storm dropped a significant amount of snow across the southern U.S. this week, much of the south is poised to end the month of January with higher snowfall totals than the Twin Cities metro area. More Here

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