FGGAM does to beleive in the prosperity gospel at all. I want to thank Lifeway Research for all they do and for giving us permission to share this information with our FGGAM readers.
Lifeway Research
Few pastors hold or teach beliefs connected to the prosperity gospel. Still, these beliefs are more prevalent among churchgoers.
By Aaron Earls
Many churchgoers say their church connects financial blessings with personal generosity, but most pastors see those ideas as bankrupt.
A Lifeway Research study of U.S. Protestant pastors finds few hold or teach beliefs connected to the prosperity gospel, the theological movement that teaches God wants to make followers materially wealthy and will do so if individuals hold certain beliefs or perform specific actions. A previous Lifeway Research study, however, found these beliefs much more prevalent among churchgoers, including many who said their church teaches these ideas.
“The large differences we see between pastor and churchgoer beliefs related to the prosperity gospel means pastors are often not the source of these beliefs among Protestants,” said Scott McConnell, executive director of Lifeway Research. “But the gap likely also means pastors are not teaching the reasons for their own convictions on the subject.” The Rest of The Story Here